
Do you ever feel the the pulling of the invisible strings that control your all life ?

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Sometimes I feel like an helpless puppet .. struggling to move of my own accord .. trying to resist the invisible forces that stubbornly force me into submission .

The world is a giant puppet show .

Thanks for your answers .




  1. No one can control anyone's Life you have a mind of your own to make decision that concerns only you, so I would say that we do not have any invisible strings that are controling our Life.

  2. That's rather deterministic. Sometimes I feel oppressed and controlled society. It's impossible to be completely free from outside influences, though...

  3. I don't think I have ever felt that way, but good luck with it all anyway!

  4. Yes. There are many things in life that are out of our control.

    Only the rich and powerful politicians control them.

  5. Life is a stage, a play, each allocated and assigned their role to be performed to the best of their abilities. Exposed and susceptible to prevailing wills mans task is to gain mastery of the mass of chemical reactors and influences that control his actions, at times to his detriment.

    Yes life is a constant struggle to maintain ones composure and retain ones dignity in midst of life’s tempestuous stormy seas and inclement weather. This negative force is at its most potent when we allow anger, ambition, greed or envy into our hearts and minds. It is then we open ourselves to the control of such perverse forces.

    It is preferable then man gains control of his mind and is governed by his greater conscience and governed by his own counsel.

  6. I believe we all have been strung along like puppets..But mostly when times are rough and you see no "light at the end of the tunnel".

    These are times when we feel as though we have lost control in all aspects of life and that all bad forces are coming at us from all directions.

    At the end, we look back and think, "It wasn't the invisible forces that were controlling us, but our own selves."  This is why it's so important to not give up hope no matter how bad things get..

  7. Yes, I feel the strings. Want to know something? That ability to tug & pull - it can work both ways. Even as a puppet, you can tug on the strings that pull at you and affect a change on the other end.

    It's kind of like that one album cover for - I think - Metallica, with a man being puppeteered by the devil, who in turn is being puppeterred by "Eddie", the undead band mascot at the time. (Group may be wrong, it's been a long time).

    Every puppet is also a puppet-master. Pull the string, see what happens. ;-)

  8. Pull open a grammar book.

  9. no i dont feel like that, i control my own life and what i do.

  10. I feel invisible forces but they are there by my request. I have slowly learned to surrender my future to God. I've given this by my own volition, my own free will and it works.

    Constantly in daily life with small matters and grand moments I feel the Holy Spirit pull me here and there to teach and to admonish as well as protect me.  

    These invisible ties are welcomed in my life because quite frankly I don't believe I can work alone in this life, or in the afterlife. I've been told by some that this degree of surrender to God is just a crutch. Well ... I have to agree, if your freakin legs are broken you're a fool to hobble around without a crutch now aren't you? My spirit is broken, I'd be a fool to hobble about this world without any means of support.

    This faith I hold in the invisible God is the best means of support for anyone in this life. Anyone, rich or poor, wise or foolish we all need this Spirit of God to control ourselves.

    EDIT: in reply to your additional details. Yes, I do feel controlled by "those" strings but only to an extent. Exxon just posted a quarterly profit of Billions upon Billions of dollars and the likes of you and I are paying for their profit through the nose at the gas pumps, the supermarkets, the plastics in our daily life. The rich are getting richer, they do control the market on speculation, and the "middle income" bracket is darn near non-existant now.

    So yes the is a controlling facter that I do not like but I do not allow it to control me to the point of fear, or envy. It is my attitude that keeps me above the quagmire of greed, and it is my attitude that keeps the overly rich at bay.

    I don't like it any more than you do. But I'm not going to let their greed and avarice take away my happiness.  I am not going to allow the "Politically Correct" M.P.s and big suits to get in the way of my wellbeing. They can only do so much, and that is not a deterrent to me in this world. Life is still good regardless of THEM.

  11. No.

    Because they aren't there.

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