
Do you ever feel this?

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Sometimes whenever I go to some new place in an open air I had felt I've been here earlier when I never had. What is this? Not very clearly but just a feeling! Has anyone ever felt this? I need advice.




  1. It may be something from a past life or even dreams that took you back in the past I have the same thing

  2. You mean deja vu? Almost everybody feels this at one point or another. It's a trick our mind plays on us.

  3. It's called Déjà vu , which is French for "already seen".  Studies have reported that upwards of 70% of people interviewed have experience it at least once in their life.

    I have personally experienced it, many times.

  4. often, we have been many places in many forms. Our soul recognizes what our memories do not

  5. Déjà vu

    it happents to eveyone.

  6. maybe it's your future-self thinking back to your past-self and your present-self is getting the deja vu, just a theory.

  7. Its called Deja Vu. Usually it means you have visited the place in a previous life.

  8. It's when you neer been to that place before without any prior knowledge, yet you know where to go or what to do.  I haven't had that feeling before, but I know those who have.  One person I knew, was in the Navy, and he was stationed in Yokosuka.  When he was in Yokohama, he "remembered" the main road from there to Tokyo that was there (still is).    It's a highway now, but it's been there for at least a century.

  9. this feeling is called deja vu .it is because you must have went to

    place similar to that place you went.

    or you must have went to that place when you are a child.the brains store the scenaries and remainds when you encouter the same things.

  10. Years ago when I was studying Psych in college, I ran across what I thought was a good explanation for the so-called Deja Vu phenomena.

    The psychologist whose name is lost to me, referred to it as the "a ha" effect.

    Say that you have lost your keys, and you are desperately searching your house for them, and they turn up in an obvious place or, where they should have been to begin with. I am sure you have experienced that "a ha" feeling when finding a missing item.

    The explanation goes on to theorize that sometimes the mind for reasons of it's own will spark the "a ha" feeling for no apparent reason, giving the impression that you have been to or experienced something before.

    I hope this helps.

  11. Some believe that we are able to see our lives as spirits before we are born into it. Deja vu is like a flash back of that veiwing and we have the feeling that we have already experianced the event or been at a certain place before.

  12. Yes, I have had that many times in many places (not just outside in the open air).  It is called deja-vu.

  13. This is called Deja-Vu it happens to almost everyone even blind people. Here is an article by howstuffworks about it.

  14. Yes, I have experienced this on several occasions, Dejavue.

    I believe it to be a trick of the mind.

    As a Christian the possibility of reincarnation is not available for me to believe in, although it doesnt make sense to me anyway.

    If your mind has two types of memory, short term and long term. When you are in a new place, your mind is recording and archiving your memory of the place in case you need to come back. Memories get linked together in strange ways. If your mind is linking a memory, and that memory link goes back to the memory of the place you are currently standing in, it will feel like you are remembering it and looking at it at the same time.

    Not sure if that made sense or not.

  15. Yes, it's called deja vu. it's not weird or anything. everyone feels it once in a while.

  16. Its called deja vu. A feeling that you have seen and experienced this before.
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