
Do you ever feel you are too unique to fit in?

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Sometimes i find that my views are too different or what some might call weird to fit in. I don't conform to basic formulas. I think people are threatened by this...




  1. 2 true my friend.....I am an INFP personality type (Meyers-Briggs)   1% of the population, an idealist.  Dont fit in well.

    You may be one 2.........

  2. That is a very good question to ask oneself. But is being too unique good? I would say that if we live in a world by ourselfs that would be great. But what happens when we have to deal with at least 50 different persons everyday? Being in the supermarket, driving, walking, anywhere. Maybe showing interest in different things would help even if you don't really care about it.

  3. I used to feel that way, until I realized that I was alienating people and I didn't have any friends. Then I realized that I needed to find common ground (be more outgoing) with people whose company I really enjoyed, instead of just acting like a know-it-all or someone who was too different/unique to fit in/have friends. I am happier now, and far less antisocial.

  4. It gets lonely at times doesn't it?

    Love and blessings Don

  5. When a person is feeling so unique they are concentrating on their differences rather than their similarities: because we have so many similarities with one another that it's all most horrible when we shun ourselves from the rest of the world,in thinking we are unique. Many times we become addicted to our outrages behavior, and believe that this type of thinking is correct. We go into denial deprivation and lack of trust of others, when we choose not to be a part of the whole. We abandon what is true and wise:  because of our disease thinking. Resulting in spiritual death for yourself and those around you.. However if you are a spiritual minded person this is somewhat acceptable, because we are different than the world therefore are thinking is different but not unique.  If not open your mind to others, and you may a learn your concepts and beliefs are more like others as well, because were all have these major same similarities when cut we bleed, our breath comes from the same air, and we are hurt mostly by the same things as others: if someone cheats you, lie manipulates, or breaks your heart, we are filled with sorrow and need compassion from others, as well as love, and we all need love.

  6. I have always felt unique in my world.  I don't look, think, or feel like other women my own age.  I have been told I am an "old soul" and filled with wisdom beyond my years.  I have felt alone in my world, and for the longest time I viewed this as a negative thing.  Once I finally came to grips with really, I mean REALLY learning who I am and what I am made of on the inside, I now am embracing the unique woman I am.  I have learned to not worry about my differences with other people, but to share my own view of the world with others I meet.  

    I don't think it is our will and purpose to come into and "fit in" in this world. We are suppose to make our mark by being special, and unique in our own ways.  

    Thanks for reading!

  7. Yes.

  8. Yeah, same. I mean I dont like saying im too "unique" to fit in but it certainly feels that way. Mostly everyone I have met has said I'm really weird. I think about alot, and I say what I think, I do what I feel I want to do. I think people arent as threatened as they are weirded out cause Im not the same as everyone else.

  9. I think the same. I way too mature for my age and its frustrating all the time to know that no one thinks beyond the box like i do

  10. Sometime I think that and get upset but then I remember that i do not want to fit in for being something I am not, at least I can be proud because I am true to myself.

  11. almost all the time. but i realize that my uniqueness lends me perspectives peolpe around me never see, in many ways it is a plus, at times people get so threatened they ostracize you hoping it will make you reform. personally i like being odd, even if it means not fitting in, i have my friends, and solitude isnt always a bad thing

  12. I don't know that I'm so very much more unique, but I don't peg easily.  I'm one of those people who doesn't go to a lot of extremes and some of my preferences depend on my mood.  so I'm an introvert some days and an extrovert on others (for example).  So, I don't fit in with clicks, because they want everyone to be exactly like they are and I'm definitely NOT a conformer, but I fit in great with groups that are open and appreciate people for who they are.

    Yes, many people are quite threatened by this!

  13. Yes I do.  I have been called wierd, bizarre, strange and of course unique.  I don't really mind though, I have some equally bizarre friends and we get along just fine.

  14. Yes. Last week someone at work said I wasn't from here, I was from another planet...and it didn't bother me a bit. I don't automatically accept the status quo, question something if it doesn't seem right, have a variety of friends, and speak up when others are too timid. People may be threatened or maybe they have to think when you are around them and that is a challenge.

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