
Do you ever find yourself wanting to say "Belial" outloud?

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Supposedly he is supposed to be a demon whom you should not say out loud.

It's so tempting to say out loud, don't you think?




  1. betelguese betelguese betelguese

    no nothing's happened

    beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice

    (yawns) still nothing


    why am i saying these ridiculous words?

    ope - yes something is happening...

    the overwhelming urge to stop saying them.

  2. I just said it and nothing bad happened... bummer. BELIAL!!!! Nope. Still nothing. Anything else I'm not supposed to say?

    Edit: Haha I'm ignorant. What kind of insane troll logic is that? You can't just dangle something I'm not supposed to say out there and not expect me to say it!

  3. thats my friends name... we call him billy

  4. Apparently he was the first angel to be cast out of heaven, so it's safe to assume God may have been more pissed off at Belial than Lucifer himself. Perhaps that's why you're not supposed to say it.

    If you're into gruesome horror fiction by the way, check out "Black Angel" by Graham Masterton. Belial the Deceiver plays a very central part in this novel, and demonstrates to all callow mortals that one should not cast his name about lightly!

    Hope you enjoy the book.

  5. Why tempt fate. I have enough c**p in my life without inviting in some demon to reek more havoc.

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