
Do you ever flick off people as you drive?

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If so, what's the point? Reckless speeders always flick me off when I drive AT the speed limit. I don't know why they feel so good after flicking someone off..what's the point? It's not like I''ll go faster just because they flick me off..I'd rather be safe than sorry.




  1. I agree with you, although I drive at 5-10 mph over the limit.

  2. I only do that to people that do it to me(because I am stupid, there really is no point). I do honk a lot, but at people who are about to cause me to get into an accident or are driving like half the speed limit. Also  at people who put their brakes on for no reason and then turn out of nowhere and don't put there blinker on. I have road rage. I know.

  3. I get flipped off all the time! I think it is funny. Those idiots get upset when I split lanes on my motorcycle in traffic. Too bad for them it is legal and recomended in CA

  4. I've never been flicked off, but I've been tail gated for going "only" 5 miles over the speed limit. Sorry. I'm not going to get a ticket to keep the speeders happy.

    I've also never flicked anyone off, though I have been tempeted when people pull out in front of me, making me slam on my brakes or risk hitting them, and then have to go 10 to 15 miles below the speed limit becasue they are afraid of the posted limits. (Really bugs me when I am the only one on the road and if they had waited 3 seconds, we'd both be happy.)

    Oh well. Life is short and road rage will only make it more so. :) I always just take a deep breath and figure there must be a reason I'm not suposed to be traveling any faster. I just ease back a nice safe distance and wait for either their turn off or mine. :)

  5. If you ever get in my way, I would definitely honk my horn and give u the finger. Hate slow drivers!

  6. I have to admit .. I use the middle finger A LOT.  I am not sure what is my point, maybe it just makes me feel better.  I dont do it  if they are going slow, I usually just pass them in that case.  

    Only flip off people who deserve it.  I live in Massachusetts, so it happens often ...

  7. Were I live they teach it in drivers ed, and splitting lane is not illegal but it is not legal also

  8. Nope I sure dont plus I dont let it bother me one bit....

  9. i personally havent gotten flicked off but i know plenty of people who have. i think it gives that person more attention and it gives them the knowledge that the other person, that's driving slow, was making them angry. it all boils down to teaching the other person a lesson. but when that happens smile and wave or laugh and that gets them more angry. ha ha

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