
Do you ever get bored with life? I mean, feel like time is standing still?

by  |  earlier

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My husband doesnt like going out much and theres not a lot I can do with a 2 year old for fun because she throws temper tantrums. And I don't like too many people here. What can I do to add some excitement to my life?? Or how to get in a better mood and get more energy?




  1. Well it sounds to me like you are in a life "slump" suggestion, go out and something including your two year old, go to a park or have "play dates" with other Moms and their children...and there has to be somewhere you can place your daughter so you can have "Mommy-Daddy time", then the time you spend with your daughter will be more appreciated by her as well...but there are a MILLION things out there to do, try to get out more I am sure it will get you out of your rut and back into enjoying life for what it is...every morning when you get up think if this was your last day on earth who would you want to spend it with and will make every day seem a bit more special...I wish you all the best!

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