
Do you ever get hurt when a Saggitarius just speaks their mind?

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I find some sometimes getting hurt when a Sag just speaks their mind. When I say I do something that I want to whether it is for my highest good or what I want to do they could say something like "You're an idiot.".

Do you ever feel hurt about a sag speaking their mind??




  1. I am a saggitarius, and yes I speak my mind but am still cautious what I say.

    anyone can say anything to hurt someones feelings not just a sag.

    no matter what sign anyone is we say things and do things we shouldn't.

    if you do not like it speak your mind and tell the sag

    (keep it to yourself if you have nothing nice to say)


    you could say

    (shut that hole under your nose.)

  2. No, not really.

  3. Yes, my half-sister is a Sagittarius and her honesty hurt me; I'm a Libra.

  4. not me because am a sag so I can handle it.....

    But sneaky insinuations, evasiveness,  beating around the bush really gets me asking some hard questions

    I think am fairly good when people mask the truth and portray it " in a more agreeable way " if you want.

    I sure can be diplomatic myself but when I want answers..

    I understand when people are unsure but when people cover up......

    yeah.....have been deemed pretty blunt........but not THATmuch I think.

    ask my friends and my enemies lol...who coined that phrase ?

    sorry aout the typos.........stg wrong with my keyboard or whatever again..

  5. i am a sag, and i know i will tend to speak my mind, but i know to watch what i say.

    generally, i CAN hurt someone, but ive learned to channel those words only to people i mean it to. Basically, sags tend to speak their mind, and mean no harm, but they can learn to control it, i know i have. That was more likely due to the fact that i got in trouble alot for doing it, so i had to control myself. basically, find an out to take it out on.

  6. Sagittarians are known to be blunt when they are "speaking their mind"; which is always because most are very opinionated.  They don't edge around in open discussion...they go right for the "bottom line"; which I prefer rather than them zig-zagging over an issue.....

  7. No.  Why would someone get hurt by someone else speaking their mind?  I just speak my mind back.  Like adults do.

  8. Sowwie!

    sometimes i have no other way to put together what i have to say.. and it turns out sounding mean.. but its what i feel as of the truth, and without trying to be mean.. ppl would say... o man ur so messed up. and im like "whatttt?" whats so mean about that!?  i wouldnt get it, cuz i mean im being truly honest, and yet they stare at me as if i got six heads. lolz sometimes i dont say anything but when i get the urge man i just have to say whats on my mind... and at times i try to make it sound "nice" lolz i really dont have intentions to hurt anyone just seriously tell em as it is... and dag i guess i cant be so emotional about it.. its weird isnt it?...

    im a sag.. and it doesnt bother me much if ppl speak their minds.. instead id be preparing my mind for a debate... = )

  9. Nope..I'd like to hear the truth even if it gonna hurt a little bit.Telling the bitter truth is thousand times better than giving sugar-coated poison verbally. when water signs and earth signs smile in your presence and crib about you in your absence Sagittarius is honest enough to tell everything on face.I can certainly trust a Sagittarius than anybody else in the Zodiac.

  10. Yessss that's my mom cause they are sooo frank in that way that drives me crazy but although Sagittarius are that frank they mean no harm when they say such things inside they are pure really.

  11. I tend to speak my mind, but I really try to be diplomatic about it.  That is, unless I'm feeling hotheaded, in which case I will go off on rants (that can be brutally rude--I even shock myself sometimes)--but I'll always feel bad about it after wards and attempt to make friendly overtures again.

  12. didn't even realize that i did that until you asked the question

    I apologize for us...I think sometimes the "you're such an idiot" comes out before the filter kicks on.

    Dear world,

    I, a saggitarius, appologize for being so freaking frank that it makes people upset.

    -Fellow Sag

    :) :)

  13. I'm a Sagitarian!

    my mom and my BF are always telling me to be more sensitive, lol. We don't really mean it, I always say things to tease other people. But I do it kidding! or if I'm serious, I only speak bluntly to the people I love, like my family and close friends. And because I want their best! =)

    hope I helped.

    be paticient with us!

    sometimes we can really be jerks! lol.


  14. Sometimes...but they mean well, they're just very blunt. I understand because sometimes I say hurtful things and don't realize that I hurt someone.


  15. No. I feel Annoyed.

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