
Do you ever get jealous?

by  |  earlier

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Do you gals ever go to the OMG section of Yahoo and go to the baby bumps and get totally p*ssed off and jealous of all the celebrities that are perfectly fertile and here we are suffering trying to have kids? i am so frustrated lately. just curious if it makes you want a baby that much more or if i'm on my own?




  1. wow, what gets to me is the irony of life, people that really want kids cant have them and people that dont want them are super fertile and end up having abortions!!! any way i wish you could have a baby, i have one and expecting my second even though both were not planned i still love them so very much, and for the record celebrities pay lots of money to get babys

  2. I feel your pain.  It took me 1 1/2 years and two miscarriages to have my son.  Now we are trying for another and it's not going well.  It is frustrating.  Seems like those that don't want a child have them and those that Want children can't.  But I try not to envy other people.  No ones life is perfect.  You never know what some else might be facing.  

  3. have three don't want any more...........ur on ur own

  4. I try but than I look at celebrities like Nicole Kidman she had a lot of issues.Than I look at there age well most of them and I think about how much they are older than me.Than I look at Brad Angie and think some people just need to stop

  5. The celebs don't bother me but these chicks with three kids and three babies daddies do, and they just keep on havin 'em that irks me to no end. I don't want a lot more just one preferably a girl to round out a set ( I have a son) and I could die happy.

  6. Well, sometimes I do get jealous, but we have to remember that a lot of these celebrities try for years to get pregnant and then have to get ivf or even adopt.

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