I don't eat "five a day" - I actually couldn't afford to as fresh fruit and veg can be so expensive
And I don't care! I'm not overweight and I'm in good health. I don't need to worry abou "Obesity" as I'm genetically not a person who puts weight on easily (noone in my family is. We've always been the sort of people who can eat what we like and never put weight on, even in middle/old age.)
So why do we have to put up with the Government trying to force their rules and regulations down our throats? It drives me mad.
It also peed me off intensely to hear about schools "searching" childrens' packed lunches and confiscating KitKats etc, or even banning packed lunches in case the kids dared to bring anything "unhealthy" in. This is a violation of human rights. Not all kids are prone to "obesity" and many can eat a daily KitKat without putting on weight. They don't all need to follow the same strict rules as kids who are prone to be big,
Anyone agree?