
Do you ever get sick of the Government's "experts" telling us what to eat?

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I don't eat "five a day" - I actually couldn't afford to as fresh fruit and veg can be so expensive

And I don't care! I'm not overweight and I'm in good health. I don't need to worry abou "Obesity" as I'm genetically not a person who puts weight on easily (noone in my family is. We've always been the sort of people who can eat what we like and never put weight on, even in middle/old age.)

So why do we have to put up with the Government trying to force their rules and regulations down our throats? It drives me mad.

It also peed me off intensely to hear about schools "searching" childrens' packed lunches and confiscating KitKats etc, or even banning packed lunches in case the kids dared to bring anything "unhealthy" in. This is a violation of human rights. Not all kids are prone to "obesity" and many can eat a daily KitKat without putting on weight. They don't all need to follow the same strict rules as kids who are prone to be big,

Anyone agree?




  1. I completely ignore it all but it does annoy me.

    One week red wine is good, then it's bad.

    Same with milk, cheese, chocolate etc etc etc

    They have to justify spending all this money on researchers and health experts so they come up with absolutely anything. Even the recommended alcohol units per weeks are completely made up and not based on any medical evidence. A government doctor had admitted it.

    Common sense and moderation is all it takes

  2. I was agreeing with everything you said until you wrote:

    'Not all kids are prone to "obesity" and many can eat a daily KitKat without putting on weight. They don't all need to follow the same strict rules as kids who are prone to be big'

    So what are they supposed to do? Allow the skinny kids to eat what they want but make the overweight ones sit there watching them?

    So because of genetics, lets torment the fat kids by making them watch the skinny ones eat what they want....Sorry that's not fair at all. Next you'll be saying we should have queues at school of fat and skinny kids, all the fat kids get their bags checked for junk food and all the skinny kids can waltz straight past sniggering even more than they do now. Surely that would be a form of abuse.

  3. The government argue that because the tax payer is paying for the health costs of obesity they have a right to tell people what to eat. This is the thin line between socialism and soft fascism in Britain under New Labour.

  4. Yeah it gets right up my nose, like prescot followed the advice himself Loll

  5. I agree!

  6. No - absolutely disagree... it is that sort of narrow minded thinking which has made this one of the fattest / unhealthy nations around. they dont tell us what to eat, they meerly suggest to us the backbone of a good healthy diet.

    Whilst you personally may or may not put on weight, your are still doing your health damage, ie increasing your risk of stroke / heart disease / diabetes / rotten teeth etc etc

  7. yes i agree totally and schools should be there for teaching.

    it's the world gone mad.

  8. Yes, because I grew up in the 1940s and 1950s with rationing when the of the period really did tell us what to eat and how much.

    When butter came off the ration, my aunt dashed down to our village dairy and bought herself a pound of freshly patted butter.

    On the Sunday she invited everyone over to her cottage for toasted crumpets for tea with jam etc.  The butter oozed down our chins and we ate like pigs.

    My attitude is dead simple.  People should eat what they like and not what they're told to like.  I hate fruit and hardly ever eat any of it.  I grew up surrounded by hundreds of acres of English Cox's Orange Pippin apples - you don't want an apple, not after that. . . .fact is fruit is sour and ruins your teeth.  My teeth are in good shape for a pensioner, thanks to a life time of fruit avoidance.  So there.

    Ham and eggs anyone?

    Down with the food fascists.

  9. I get fed up of the Daily Mail telling me what to think.

  10. I am also sick of Lady telling me what to eat in moonlight.

  11. I totally agree!!! Now there telling us we can't drink, we can't smoke, we shouldn't drive, we can't stay ay home and look after our children, we can't discipline our children I could go on and on!

  12. Yeah just the other week some idiotic think tank said that eating a fried breakfast IS actually good for you? yet you get some other idiotic think tank saying eat your 5- a day??

    Eat what you want, I do, you only have oone life and I don't plan on wasting my life worring about calories or fat, all I have to say to people such as these experts is "F**k you, I'll eat what I want to eat".

  13. If you remember the definition of an "expert" things should be clearer.  X is the unknown quantity and spurt is a drip under pressure.

  14. If you're happy with your health, then fine, you can ignore them. But it's obvious that some people don't have a clue how to maintain good health or stay thin, and are raising their kids with all their bad habits. Something has to be done, and it's not like they can send out messages specifically targeting the indivuduals who need it and filtering the ones who do not.

    I really don't believe that kids are either "prone to bigness" or not. It is much more complex than that.

    You say you can eat whatever you like and stay thin- but perhaps you just have a healthy eating pattern which has been with you from a young age so you don't realise what you're doing right any more than fat people don't realise what they are doing wrong. If you ate 500 extra calories a day for a while, I'm pretty sure you'd put some weight on.

    I have some very overweight members of my family who say "it's just genetic, my mother was fat too" while they eat stupid amounts of fatty foods- which is what they were raised by fat mum to eat. They genuinely don't get it.

    In almost every case, it's just maths- we need X amount of calories, and if we eat more, we gain weight- if we eat less, we lose it. Dividing us up into "prone to thinness" and "prone to bigness" is ridiculous.

  15. They don't tell us, they suggest. You can eat all the candy bars you want.

    Oh, and schools have rules. They are meant to teach. One thing they are now teaching kids is good nutrition. Who cares if they ban candy? They also ban water bottles in classrooms.

  16. i am  agreeing with you also,then they turn around and say well actually its not good for you,i don't follow a strict diet regime myself,i never have,i think i will have a carrot,to eat whilst i go for my bus,might save on the fuel bills,when it gets dark,especially with the cost of living,i am glad i am thin,peAce.

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