
Do you ever get sick?

by  |  earlier

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Do you ever get sick and tired of the questions and answers that show up sometimes. The intelligent questions never show and the useless/waist of time questions always show. Im just getting sick of this place. Its not like before. Before there was good muslims answers now its all ex-muslims. *Sigh*




  1. go to muslim lands and get all muslim answers you need...problem solved warrior

  2. Yeah,like my  8 intelligent qsts didn't turn up..sad..I won't give up:)

    First answerer,chk ur mail..why are u using my name??Whats up with 96.7????????

  3. i know exactly what you mean, i also liked all the users b4, cause now there are too many trolls, and the questions get sillier and more useless everyday.

    i remember too many people from b4, there was


    Dont hate me cuz you cant add me,






    Libyan Muslim,



    Free Palestine from the devil,


    and too many more, i just cant remember them all. lol

  4. Yahoo is not owned and operated by Muslims... just becouse of that...

    I feel same more than 100 times....

    Alhamdu lillah I am still here.....


  5. Haha yea soooo true :P

    oh well *sighs with a lil tear*  

  6. Your own question proves your point.

  7. oh ya!!!


  8. Do not let them get to you ;) I pay no attention to people as such.

  9. could not agree more.  sometimes y/a reminds me of a thick swamp.  because the vast majority of questions are totally ridiculous.

  10. i am good Muslim

  11. I know how you feel. We have idiots like 'Love From Iran' (or b***s from Iran as another poster said), s**y Mamma, Omar, Sara (the ex Muslim), and a bunch of others. We should relocate to a forum of some kind, with the same usernames, and the ex Muslims can stay here and rot in their unintelligent drivel.  

  12. i cant agree more , bro..

    (sigh) too..

    always love & peace..

  13. bothers u that it doesnot have anything that violates the community guide lines....and avatar games and trolls' questions appear easily
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