
Do you ever get the dream where you can't speak or move or run away

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ok i used to get this dream all the time when i was in 1st grade to 4th grade and i started to have it again

in the beginning of the dream everything is all normal then something bad happens in the last one there was a burglar in my house in another one i got locked in my room and couldn't get out because i coulnt move for no resone.

for the burglar dream he is still in the house then I'm the only one that can see him and I'm trying to scream at the top of my lung but cant them i try hard enough and get a little sound out that's when i finFinlayy he's behind you i wake up but if you wiswhisperd hold your throught that's what it soulds like

the strange thing is that in this dream (like most of my dreams now) i knew i was dreaming and could have chosen to wake up any time during the dream but i didn't i wanted to speak

what dose this mean ! ?




  1. It might mean that there is something bad happening in real life that you feel like you can't do anything about.  It might not be obvious to you though, that's what dreams are for, making the not so obvious known.  I use to have dreams like that, I would pray silently in my head for God to let me speak and then my mouth would open, and then I would speak out against the bad person or entity.  Try it out.

  2. I'm a member of dream group you posted this dream on.  Repetitive dreams indicate that there is something in your life that needs fixed.  Once you fix the issue the dreams will stop or at least change or slow down.

    Houses represent our psyche and the burglar is your shadow.  Your scaring yourself while you dream because you have some insecurity you need to deal with while awake.

    Being locked in your room means your stuck in your head.  You need to come out of compulsive thinking and just live your life as it comes.

    The reason you’re the only one who can see him is because this is your mind playing games with you.

    Knowing your dreaming is called Lucid Dreaming.  If you choose not to wake up during a bad dream it's your way of venting your fears.  If you wake up then the fear was not released.

    Deja vu is common and just about everyone has it.  I provided some links to look at to help you understand this dream.

  3. You should go to a website that can tell u wat your dream mean if u put something in the search bar

    I recommend

    I go there all the time!

    or you can go to a store and buy a dream book

    its like a dictionary where u look up words and each words has a different meaning

    for example look up the word burglar on dream moods or the book

    hope it helps!

  4. According to psychology your dreams have these means:You were forced to do s*x by persuasion , or you were raped by some one against your will and you was trying not to let the guy not to defile you. but you could not scream , and ended doing s*x. You know the person who raped you but you are afraid to say any thing at all.All this was the content of your dreams

  5. Why is your question soo confusing? Some of the grammars are wrong and theres only 6 punctuations in a long question like this?!?! I had trouble reading it.

    Anyway, as I don't really understand what you're saying, I think maybe you need more rest. Maybe you're too stressed and exausted so you kept dreaming bout weird things. Thats what happens to me.

    Your name is Tanya, this might sound strange but i dreamt of a girl named exactly like you a few months ago. Usually I forgot the dreams I had but this ones not going out of my head. It was after school and i was walking out from the school gate, a girl in school uniform suddenly bumped into me. She's slim, a lil' shorter than me, has dark hair, with really stunnig eyes. My books fell and after she helped me with those books, I notice she was holding a Desert Eagle (a pistol name, not to be confused with a species of eagle). Shocked by the weapon, I ask for her name, she didn't answer me, she ran away as she was in a hurry. I looked at the surrounding peoples, they seemed unaware of a girl holding a firearm like she's invincible. This is weird cos it's a death sentence to hold firearms without license in my country. When I turn, I spotted a small bag and found out that it's hers. Her ID name was Tanya Inoue. I'd never seen her before. I woke up and it ends. I tried many times dreaming bout her since then but she never came again.

    And now I see your name, and your talking bout dreams too. It really reminds me of her.

  6. Since this dream comes from your childhood, something may have happened during that time that may trigger this dream.  However, from the surface of your dream, there are couple of indications.

    1.  You may be feeling insecure when you were young.  Some images of  burglar may lurk into your subconscious mind and that may involve with some privacy you feel you are being invaded.  That insecure feeling may also cause you lack of control.

    2.  Knowing you are dreaming but couldn't speak or didn't want to speak.  The brain or mind is amazing thing.  Sometimes when you are at a level that your brain activity is losing the full control.  You tend to let your subconscious mind take over.  That is why you have difficulties to run, move or speak.

    The black and white and burglar may seem like a friend of your dad, but basically it symbolizes some fear in you.  Fear of losing control and security.

  7. It actually sounds like it could be sleep paralysis.  This means you sort of wake up in the middle of the night, but your brain isn't completely functioning as if you're awake, so you're basically paralyzed.  You can even be in a dream-like state where you feel as if there are other people in the room with you.  I believe one of the theories about "alien abduction" is that the people are, in fact, experiencing sleep paralysis.  I've personally experienced it quite a few times and it's pretty freaky.  The best thing to do (though it's not easy) is to try to calm down and fall asleep again.  Good luck!

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