
Do you ever get the feeling that NO ONE cares for you?

by  |  earlier

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Yeah...I've come to that stunning revelation lately.

NO ONE calls to see how I'm doing..unless they want something.

NO ONE thinks about me or about how I'm feeling.

Despite my best effort to be genuinely friendly to and thoughtful about others, I do not receive the same concern/consideration for myself.

AND...even though I rarely say anything about it, if I fail to make myself 'available' for others, THEN somebody will invariably call to say "Oh, yeah...I've been meaning to call you 'cause I needed you to help me do thus and so..."

What's going on?

Serious inquiries, please?!




  1. There are a lot of selfish people out there and it sounds like you're friends with quite a few of them.

    Try to make them understand how you feel. It's okay to help them out or talk to them about their problems, but ask if they can just call to chat sometime. Perhaps you should call one of them just to talk, of if you have a problem and see if they'll do the same for you. If not it sounds like they're not real friends and you're better off without them.

  2. Yes, but it is generally not true. Keep being good to others and others will be good to you. It sounds like people count on you for support when they need it, that is a good thing. Just be patient with people and try not to over-think this.  

  3. I've had that feeling.

    But I always keep in mind that I care about myself.

    You might think no-one cares about you,

    but I'm sure theres some-one.

    LIke for instance,

    I know my sister cares about me.

    She won't probably call me all the time and stuff,

    but thats probably because shes younger than me,

    And she keeps in mind that I'm the one whose supposed to be taking care of her.

    But you do always have yourself with you.

    Show some care to yourself, and you'll see that some-one does care about you, a whole lot.. and that may be yourself.  

  4. I too have had that problem this summer =/ My friends wont call me unless they need something... Especially if they need a ride to the mall... and such. My boyfriend is the only one there for me through thick and thin, but all my other friends are just too busy for me.

    Its understandable the feeling your going through I can totally relate, Its like we're being used all the time.

    But try not to let the feeling chase after you. I dont know how old you are, or if your back in school yet.. or out of school, but things will get better as the year progresses... Things like this act like a sine curve, they repeatedly get better then worse, better then worse... It will eventually get better! I promise. But for now try making friends with something other than a person. Like a book, or just simply engulf yourself in something you really love to do.

    Heres an idea, if you like to play a sport, call one of your friends and ask them if they want to go play, if they say no that's their loss.

    Try calling some people, if they all dont make an effort to spend time with you, then:

    You should get some new friends

    Or you should go spend time with yourself

    Got a pet? take him/her for a walk!

    The idea is, Get your mind off of it.

    Good luck and have fun! Dont let it get to you!

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