
Do you ever get to the end of your day and feel like you forgot to live and or enjoy it, like a wasted day?

by  |  earlier

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And then you consciously try to plan to be more productive and eventful for tomorrow and end up at the same place at the end of the next day?

What can I do to break this wasted life cycle feeling?




  1. Hi I know exactly how you feel, I had the same problem for years, I think a lot of people do. I have made a website that deals with this.  What is there  is what worked for me.

    click in the purpose tab for this specific topic. , some good links too.

    Good luck with this, the answers are out there.

  2. Cody's answer and his website contribution are great!  Look at that website.  It's full of good ideas.  

    The best idea is PLAN.  Make a plan with goals for your day, your week, your month, this year, and for the next 5 years.  Plan and set goals!  This is the way to get things accomplished in your life.  

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