
Do you ever get upset about being upset?

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Do you ever get down on yourself for being down for a day or half a day. I have my bad days (roughly once every two weeks), but I find myself getting most upset at the fact that I let myself get upset.

How do I overcome this and reframe the situation?




  1. Yeah, I just did then!

    I was a lil disrespectfull and I feel so bad!

    Whats wrong with me? how do people not care? lol  

  2. Yes! I do too. When I get stressed I get annoyed and upset at everyone and then in turn annoy myself because I know that's very wrong of me. My family is patient and knows I'm under stress so they don't say anything. But I just tell myself to be kind, smile and not to show that I'm upset. I owe it to them since they're so kind to me, and they don't deserve to be treated that way. So I just hold it in, because I'm mad for no reason and the only way my anger is relieved is when the stress is relieved.

  3. Well since I am a girl LOL, I seem to a lot lately. I'm not sure how to overcome it, I try to distract myself with friends or something entertaining and fun, and it goes away soon.

  4. Of course! I told my brother the other day I was sick and tired of being tired. I just started back meditating. It helps me alot.

  5. Yes, I think one of the ways is probably to get busy (sport, cooking...etc...) and don't think too much about it, because it doesn't worth it. I usually just read, or sleep or go out and chitchat with people just to stop thinking about it.

  6. Yeah it's kind of like when I do really good dieting, and then I slip and feel like the world is going to end because i had some cake. You have to look at it like it's just ONE day out of the rest of your life. One day that wont change your life entirely. You have to look at the glass half full. It's much harder than it sounds, but life has room for mistakes.

  7. I have and have gotten angry at myself for having an inordinate amount of anticipatory anxiety / fear.


  8. I believe in what you are talking about and  upset that i cannot  argue  your  point. No. I understand your point but many do not  remain in the state of being upset for  a very long period of time (e,g., one day and a month is a better analogy).

  9. Yes...and all I can tell ya, is when you see yourself getting upset, try to stop yourself right there, so you dont get upset at all. I have to work on it myself.*

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