
Do you ever have anything strange happen toy you?

by  |  earlier

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For example

Everyday you look at the time it seems to be exactly the same time as the day before and you didn't even plan it.

I know that made miniscule sense but you get what im saying.I hope.




  1. Redeeming the time because the days are evil.

    I wrote a song or the basis for a song for that.

    LOL but in all seriousness I can laugh about it now even though its scary.

    Sometimes it seems my mind talks to me.

    It can be different voices.

    Mostly the come out at night lol.

    Serious now.

    "Seconds are hours in which I find it hard to concentrate"

    Or minutes.

    Routine. Routine may be hard.

    People have to repeat things over and over.

    New things new patterns or different ways of doing something. A smile. Singing to yourself. A giggle.

    Something different can help.

    Push your brain to the limits.

    Put good things in and you will get good things out.

    "What do we do when numbers and streets cage and attack us"


    That's all I can think of at the moment.

  2. I always notice when its 11:11. its just a biological clock thing.

  3. Yes, i have had some things happen to me over the years that have been pretty strange...3 years ago when my grandpa passed about, my telephone rang and when I looked on the caller I'D to see who was calling, it said that it was my own number calling me.???? I answered it and the line was dead.

    This happened two other times, in the same week, where my own phone called itself which we all know is impossible...and all 3 times the line was dial tone no nothning...I believe it was my grandpa calling letting us know he was o.k

    The second thing that was weird that happened to me, happened when I was 4 years old...I was in bed and there was a terrible storm blowing outside...thunder/lightening the works....I was laying there scared out of my mind when something started making a whistleing sound in my ceiling (we had what I would call drop ceiling, squares connected by medal rods) at the time. 2 minutes after the whistling started one of the squares was sucked up into the ceiling...It was then that I heard a very stern male voice tell me to get out of the room...well being 4 years old,  I didn't need to be told twice..I flew downstairs and told my parents that 'the man" had told me to get out of the room...of course my parents tought I was making it up and started taking me back upstairs to about half way up the stairs there was a loud crash in my whole ceiling had collapsed onto my bed and one of the medal rods was right where my head impression was on the pillow...creepy huh..I don't know who saved my life that night because I most certainly would have been killed, but I have never forgotten it.....

  4. I have exceptional bad luck. Every bad thing is possible near me. Yesterday, I tripped and fell down the stairs, stepped on gum, almost got hit by a car, dropped my keys somewhere in the dark, and called the wrong number 4 times :]. This is actually on one of my normal days XD.

  5. Your example isnt strange. It is the law of attraction, that when you think of that exact time long enough, you will probably see it.

    If youre asking something about supernatural, I have never experienced something supernatural.

  6. yes i broke a kids nose and i never touched him

  7. yeah ,  i once entered the boy's bathroom, it was embarrasing

  8. yes, life has alot of signs in it

  9. Everyday, even at different times, i look at the clock, and it says 1;42, 3:42, 5;42, 7:42.

    Do yuo get it?

    It always ends with 42.

    Everyday, diffent times, multiple times a day.

    It soudns weird, but it just started happening, actually.. when my grandma died.

    On  oct. 18, 5:42.

    It's like, some bigger spirit wants me to rememebr her, we were rly close.

    Maybe its not, like, maybe its my mind having me look.

    But either way, i still think of her.





    -14 yrs old.

  10. Yes, weird people, bad luck, and some paranormal.  If it's anything less than pleasant it tends to follow me around like a stray dog and it has been going on for as long as I can remember.

  11. oh yes i have had many experiances. my tv turns on and off alot randomly, my phone is constantly falling off the hook, there is a sound and then when ppl come into the room it stops and when they come it happens again. i dont mind turning off the tv or putting the phone back on the hook, really, and im not afraid that there iz a ghost in my house, why do ppl not like ghosts even when they dont do anything 2 u? i kind of like knowing that even when im alone i still have some1 2 talk 2 even if it sounds kina freaky 2 u. and i've had many MANY phsycic experiences, 2 many 2  name so im not going 2 get into that :)

    PS: i swear 2 GOD everything i just said was true!

  12. wow i get 11:11 all the time too. either 11:11 or 13:93 only on digital obviously. it's scary the 13:93 one, it tickers from 93 to 94 in about 1/5 of a second

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