My son before he turned two was the sweetest, most precious thing in the world. Very quiet and very sweet. Always smiled and seem to be great joy. Then he turned TWO and it seems like I don't know what to do with him. He wants everything but now, I took him for a stroller ride to a store because I needed to go, and he threw a fit in the store, so then when we got home I was trying to get him out of the stroller and explained to him that if he were sitting up in the stroller then I couldn't unbuckle him so I tried to lay him back he through a fit outside and started screaming at me as loud as he could. So I picked him up and put in a chair until he calmed down all the while listening to him screaming as loud as he can then he began spitting while sitting there. When he acts this way, it makes it so difficult to be his mother, I don't even want to play with him because for the past three weeks I have had to listen to it. It's an ongoing battle with him and I am completely frustrated. I am so exhausted on a daily basis and I am a stay at home mom so I am with him day in and day out. I want to leave the house so bad but I can't because I love him I just want to take a long walk and never look back because the stress is so intense but I get emotional when I think about, I'm just so confused about what to do. I was spanked and slapped as a child and I am trying not to do that so what do i do? Also, don't judge me as unloving towards my family I love my family so much just have so many issues to work through right now. It's not that he doesn't listen it's the screaming he does it's so loud and ear piercing and I try to reply to him calmly and once he calms down explain what he did but he just seems like a gone and forgotten type child like he just wants to forget it all, and make up but it's so hard for me to do that when he does it all the TIME. Does anyone else have these problems? What do you do when you hit the breaking point? I know you walk away a minute and come back but how many minutes do I need to walk away. If he throws these fits all day long, is walking way every effective. Sometimes I just lock myself in my bedroom room and cry others I cuddle in a corner in the closet afraid to face my child.