
Do you ever have "one of THOSE days?!"...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm NOT always like this, but today is one of those days where I hate everyone! I'm saying this tongue in cheek, sort of :-) Everyone in the office seems particularly fake and ingenuine. It's hard to not tell everyone I encounter to just "bite me." My ex fiance' just became an ex boyfriend, my 13 year old has decided they're in love --- with a "same s*x" person (for God's sake!); also my child just went to live with their dad, the baby brother and the "baby's mama" (it just gets better ;-\); and her dad just discovered that she's still "cutting"; and now she experimenting with drugs!!! Then I made a comment about my boss to a coworker who I thought I could trust - off company premises - that he's the kind of person who makes an employee go postal - and guess who got called into H.R.?!?! I swear I'm gonna cut my bangs if just one more stupid thing happens. Do you have anything you can share to save the day? How about something to delay the tears, and maybe bring on a smile?..




  1. Are we related?

    I woke up this morning and realized, today just wasn't a good day.

    So I picked up the phone and did the only thing I could do......... I called in sick (of work).

    To my surprise, I feel much better.  I've done a little shopping, had a bite to eat, and now I'm sitting here on my comfie couch feeling your pain.

    I say take a day off tomorrow........ relax...... go out and don't worry.

  2. There now, don't you feel better just knowing that someone else out there in internet land has heard you and cares?  It helps to blurt it all out where no one can use the information to knife you in the back.  

    Loved your comment about "gonna cut my bangs" because it shows me you have a sense of humor.  You're going to be just fine.  Take one thing at a time and do your best.

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