
Do you ever have regrets about something

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i quit playing softball for my high school when i was a excuse was i needed as many hours at work so i could have enough money to pay my bills.i moved out of my house when i turned 18.when i would talk to the coach he would tell me that colleges where scouting me.i regret quiting sometimes because i loved the sport and i wonder where i would be at dream growing up was to play for the usa fast pitch softball still is but i don't think i will ever have a chance now.




  1. Yep. My regret is never having played high school football. I was too worried about athletics getting in the way of academics. I wasn't sure I'd have enough time to commit to both. I wish I would have believed in myself as a time manager more during my high school days.  

  2. Yea 2 yrs ago for my little league team I was pitching the Game before the Championship.I was the ace on my team and we had no more pitchers so i had to pitch. I screwed up and gave up 5 runs OMG! So I went into the dugout and said some pitches were right down the middle ump had a tough strike zone.With 2 outs bottom of the 7th (little league 6 inning we went to extras in playoffs) We had a rall going we were down 13-12 now with 2 outs and my teamate hit the ball to the fence with a man on 2nd and 3rd we went crazy we were going to the Championship!The guy who hit the ball didn't even know the game was over.LOL! I dumped the jug of water all over my coach! In the championship there was a 3 day wait for me because i pitched over 40 pitches!(41!) I couldn't pitch and the two guys who came in gave up a combined  13 runs and the umpires were horrible. We lost 13-8 and I was sad but got over it quick. Thats what i Regret 1 pitch the one pitch that lost us the champion ship.The team that we played in the Championship I was 2-0 against in the season and only gave up 3 runs vs them each time so it seemed like a sure win if I pitched.Thats what I regret hope i get 10 points for my heartbreak story lol! This really happened I wouldn't fake this.

  3. I quit high school football. I was starting on both sides of the ball and I had a lot of fun, but I hated having sprained ankles and all these nagging injuries, I have no idea how the pros do it. I guess it's just the love of the game.

  4. im young but still every now and then i think about the last time i played basebal... i was 12 and a catcher for my little league team and we played in the championship game no ball got by me and i hit a home run and a triple and a double in five innings we were up by one with one out in the last inning... bases were loaded and a ball hit off my glove and went to the fence i picked the ball up and threw it to the pitcher the run had already scored pitch right up the middle off my glove another run and that happened one more time we were down by two.. i got up with two outs runner on second and third so of course i was swinging for the fences and i struck out... i havent played baseball since... every day during baseball season i think about that game and i feel like i havent completed something like something is still missing... so ya i have regrets...

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