
Do you ever have this fear ?

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that ur bf or gf or the boy you like or girl will like someone els and get bored of you unless theres this one guy/girl thats willing to like u for the way u are

i have this fear do you thanks




  1. No.

  2. yeah...lots of the time

  3. No, and if they don't like you for who you are then it wouldn't work in the long run anyway.

  4. if you keep thinking this its going to end up ruining the relationship. just relax and think about how he or she is lucky to have you. stop thinking about and just enjoy that person or you'll become paranoid and not fun to be around

  5. omg yeah.

    same exact,i feel ya completely...thats why i always try to stay exciting i dont want him to get bored of me and consider me like old news!

  6. OMG yes i just had an argument with my gf about that! it SUCKS BIGTIME............

  7.    Don't you also fear that you may get bored of him or her?  It can work both ways.

  8. yeah.. its a possibility they won't be around forever.. but is there something you're really lacking in that you know not only your partner isn't happy with, but that no one else would be happy with? eg. being unemployed etc.. if that's the case u really should fix it..

    do you see a future with them? do they see a future with you? always make sure you know where you stand & you know where the relationship is heading..

    and if you have any problems, given that its no too major, work it out as soon as possible.. how compatible are you really? your morals, beliefs & attitudes are similar enough that there isn't a major difference that upsets you.. or them??

    i was worried my man would get bored with me, and it turned out he never got over his ex, so he left me for her.. sometimes you just have a feeling things aren't right, u can't always see it coming but u can feel it.. be careful and don't let any irrational thoughts ruin your relationship.. only time will tell if its meant to be or not..

  9. Omg!!! exactly..whenever they stop texting me I have this fear that they're with someoen or they totally hate me because I don't behave like them.

  10. no my fear is that I will never meet someone that I like and they like me back.  

  11. I think it is perfectly normal.  You have to be able to trust the person you are with. Not all relationships last, but usually there is at least one person out there for everybody.  

  12. yup. i did. i swallowed the fear and said "she loves me" then 2 days later she dumped me. best you can do is say it wasnt meant to be. oh and it helps to be ther dumper not the dumpee. if you see it coming go for the kill first. totally worth it. i think...................

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