
Do you ever honk for protesters you don't agree with?

by Guest59217  |  earlier

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I honk for them just to make them feel good.




  1. I throw cigarettes at them,it's more fun.


  2. I don't like loud noises.

  3. If they're in the middle of the street and I want them to get out of the way, sure.

  4. No.  Let them exercise their constitutional right to protest whatever they want.

    Remember the Boston Tea Party?  Protesters honor the founding fathers who expected it and protested themselves.

  5. I wanted to flick off these Anti war protesters near where i used to live in Atlanta, but I was in uniform and didn't want to give them the satisfaction.

  6. I always honk just before impact!

  7. No I do not.  Your qualifying statement is really ignorant.

    Sounding one's horn is to support a political or other statement!  If they have a bad cause I do not want them to receive the support that someone making a good cause statement deserves.

    But when I am protesting against the war, against the Repugnant Party, against the caucus system, I do appreciate it when people sound their vehicle horns, and one particular semi-truck driver with a very loud horn often drives by our regular friday evening vigil against the war, and he makes us very proud of his support!

  8. No

    That would be against what I believe in

    Only if I believe in what they are protesting about would  I support them by honking my horn

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