
Do you ever just hate everything? ?

by  |  earlier

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or is it because ive only had one hour sleep in 48 hours? just when i went to sleep someone showed up at the door, it was 1130am granted..




  1. yep. all the time.

  2. Yea, if I get really annoyed I do.

  3. For the most part yeah.

  4. Yes sure it happens, infact happen to me this weekend

  5. Yes all the time

  6. Log off and sleep before you become delusional...

    Pleasant dreams...

  7. I'm tardy, so I only just hate everything. I hate watches!

  8. Ihate most everything with a nights good sleep. No worries.

  9. i only hate everything when im feeling like lives greener on the other side!

    you know those envyious moments when you want to be someone or some where else! you feel like lifes out to get you! thats when i hate anything!

    but yes i do think you need sleep lol!

  10. Look in the real world.

    What is there to hate?

    In watching those in climbing up the coconut trees?

    Still look green with lost sense of direction and purpose of life.

    just at loss and blurred.

    Luke 21.30-33

    What do you think?

  11. Hatred is a state of mind. It is not something that comes from the object of hatred. But admittedly I have moments of hatred, but it is not that the things hated are fundamentally hateful. Rain is rain, just that. People are people. Someone hated could be someone else's best friend, and a best friend could be hated by someone else.

    The only thing I can think of that climbs coconut trees is a type of land crab, and they are the largest in existence. I would hate to have one of them land on me.

    Sleep is the answer. No one can hate sleep because they are asleep so cannot hate.  

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