
Do you ever just really need your mom?

by  |  earlier

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I really want to see my mommy right now, I miss her so much! She has some major problems with alcohol, so I don't live with her... I haven't seen her in about 2 weeks, I have talked to her on the phone, but I haven't seen her. I feel so bad for her, but I don't know what to do... I just want to see her and tell her that I love her, and give her a hug.. I miss my momma =(




  1. i missed my mom when she went to la for a whole week yup i need my mom

  2. Wow, you are a very strong person. It must be so hard for you to stay away. This may sound kooky but you have every right to miss her she is your mom, problems and all. Keep loving her and be as supportive as possible. I hope she finds her way back to where she needs to be.

    As for your question;  Yep, I am a daddy's girl, but i still NEED my mom. When my dad died i felt very lost. Like i had lost my only parent. i was a brat to my mom and she had no clue what to do with me. So, she loved me, she still did not understand me but was always there.

    The day I had my daughter, I had to have a c-section. i was so scared. i remember waking up in the recovery room and all i wanted was my mommy. after that i made a change in the way i saw her. and now i don't know what i would do with out her. She still doesn't understand me but she is trying. She is awesome.

  3. I totally understand, my mom gambles and I believe she has an addiction to food. I too have this addiction and understand how we isolate and smother our feelings because we are in pain. As I get better, I understand my mom's issues. I decided to stay away, until my mom and dad, who drinks, get better. They both are victims of a disfunctional home and life, it is really hard to reach them. Sometimes you have to let go. God has sent me other "parents" who love and care for me, my husband and my kids like we are their own children.

    Sending you hugs and total understanding. Glad you wrote to get out your feelings.  

  4. yeah i know wat u r goin through..

    i love my mama to i stay with her..go meet her soon..

  5. Awww, I'll be your momma.


    It's okay, she'll get over it, maybe not tomorrow but soon, and then you'll be together again.

    Just see her, if you do, you can motivate her.

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