
Do you ever know when you are in the middle of a dream?

by  |  earlier

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When I was younger I ws always dreaming that I was being chased by something, but my legs wouldnt work. I knew I was in a dream, but it was still terrifying, in my dream i would say " this isnt real, I'm dreaming" then scream in my dream ans actually wake myself up. I havent done that in years but i do dream about my Grandmom that passed away and talk to her, and during it I know she is actually gone, but that we are talking in my dream. that one I wonder if I could actually be talking to her.




  1. Yes, sometimes when I'm dreaming I know it's a dream and sometimes I can even wake myself up from a dream.

    But other times I think it's real and then when I wake up I usually wish it was real.

  2. trying wearing a watch in the dream, then you can time yourself.  Bummer about your grandmom, sorry about that.

  3. Being able to control your dreams is called Lucid Dreaming, a rare skill that a rare few pocess. I can totally relate to the dreams you have about your grandma. My best friend passed away a couple of months ago and i see him in my dreams and i say to him 'i havent seen you in ages but i know your dead' but he doesnt say anything to me - but it gives me a nice feeling to dream about him. Keep dreaming! =D

  4. Many times I know that I'm in a middle of a dream. Most of the times, when the dream is too intense and something is going on and I don't like it, I can even "turn back" some events like if I am the actor, director, writer, etc. all in one.

    One strange thing is that even though I know I'm dreaming, when I'm talking to some people in the dream, specially my brother who has also passed away, I truly believe that the conversation and all the events are real taking place.

  5. uhmm yeah but i can control myself

  6. It's called Lucid Dreaming.

    If you want to experience that again and to control your dreams try this it's very good:

    Or this one is also good:

    Love & hugs


  7. You do realise when your dreaming because you have taken excessive control of your emotions. However, speaking to your Grandmum isn't reality because every time you dreamed and you realised you were dreaming, you never woke up. That means that you were still in your dream but you knew it was a dream. Your body and mind went into this position where you were aware of your surroundings but you weren't concious. Same way, when you talk to your Grandmum, you are still in your dream and you will be in your dream until you have fully woken up.

  8. You can know that you're in a dream. I do that fairly often-- I also manipulate the dream as I want it, because I know I can.

    In reference to your grandmother. I do think that you're talking to her. I think that's the easiest way for dead relatives to see loved ones.

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