
Do you ever lie about being adopted?

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Or relinquishing a child?

Do you tell everyone the truth about your status in the adoption triad?




  1. i have 2 friedns and there adopted, 1 never told me, ut i know she is cuz her mom is whtie, so is her dad, and she is black.

    and 1 she told me.

  2. If I deny that I'm an adoptee & a birth mother... will that make it all go away?

    I wish I could.

    I hate being adopted. I hate being a birth mother even more. So why someone would lie to get to be part of this world is just beyond my comprehension.

  3. harry potter rules that does not mean anything my dads black so is my mom and my sister is as white as Bill Clinton so that can be her birth mom and dad dont judge a book by its cover

  4. i never lie im proud to be adopted!

  5. No, I've never lied about it- it's just not my personality to lie about anything- such a waste of time & energy.  My relinquishing doesn't normally come up in conversation, though.  Sometimes when I talk about my birth stories it does, though- people will say "Oh, with your daughter/son?"  (Meaning the 2nd & 3rd ones) and I'll have to say, "No, with my first baby"... it does get a bit awkward but never worth lying about.

    **As for your add details, I don't even know who you're talking about.  They very well could be making it up.  BUT, many of us who are somehow involved in adoption are involved in many different ways.  For example- I am a birthmom, the daughter of a birthmom, so I have a half brother (somewhere out there) who was adopted, I am married to an adoptee, have a brother-in-law who is an adoptee who had a very different experience than my husband/his brother, and am "close" (most times unfortunately) with my husband's parents, who are adoptive parents.  I have cousins who are adoptees and have friends who have adopted.  Oh, and in the future, my husband and I hope to be foster parents.  Really, that's a lot.  (A bit more than I usually list in the "source" box, if you ask me. I usually post the most relevant 'source', if anything.)   And I'm not lying, so maybe? the person you're talking about isn't, either.

  6. I don’t lie about it, but I don’t talk about it. I remember how my biological parents treated me. Like ****. And how my adoptive parents treated me. Like ****. It’s a touchy subject for me but I don’t lie about it.

  7. No, I don't.

    I don't always bring it up and tell the world about it, either, but if the subject comes up, I'll talk about it.  I have nothing to hide.

    Now, on the other hand, there's no WAY I'd ever try to pass myself off as something I'm try to say I'm also a bio-mom or something silly like that.  I'd never make something up just to try to make myself sound more authoritative or try to get more respect from others.  That's pretty pathetic.

  8. I am adopted and I enjoy my adoptive father.

    Turns out that my biological family...isn't so great. They are immature and completely irresponsible.

    If I had stayed, I know I wouldn't have turned out the way I am now.

  9. no but when i was younger, i used to tell my brother that he was adopted when he used to get on my nerves lol

  10. no

  11. im adopted and i have once said i wassnt, cos i was fed up wid peeps askin me questions.

  12. I am very open and honest about being adopted. It is something I am proud of because my family is amazing. I know about my natural family and am very happy with where I am right now!

  13. I don't lie about it to anyone. Every time I tell my story I offer the listener an opportunity to see the "other" side of adoption. I will never stop telling it either.

    I can easily prove my status, should anyone really feel the need to know, it is as simple as a scanner and an email. My adoption papers, my son's court papers and my ID. End of story.

  14. Well, sometimes I don't admit it.  I go visit my mom and we often run into her friends or co-workers.  We look REALLY different.  So,  someone inevitably comments on this.  I used to tell them that I was adopted and then that would lead into the same old comments.  My mom and I just agreed that we would not mention it so we could go on our way.  There have been times when someone says "wow, you look nothing alike!"  that I reply that I take after my father.  Guess, its not really a lie.  I might actually take after my bio father.

    ETA-oh, Isabel it seemed like you were asking this generally in life which is also  a good question. If you are asking about on YAHOO, no I have never lied, but I think some people do make up stuff.

  15. i never spoke about it but lately if the topic comes up i just tell people. most people don't like to share that information just because everyone else around them ask SO many questions and it can be a bit uncomfortable or awkward for the adoptee.

  16. NO! im proud to be adopted

  17. I could probably get away with lying, as I look somewhat like my a'mom.  But I don't.  The system did enough lying for us, and for my first mother too, when it issued me a birth certificate saying two infertile people gave birth to me.

    The lying ends with me and my generation (BSE).  It ends here, and now, and forever, and I'll do my best to see that it does.

  18. I have noticed that too on many occasions.

    one person posted as "happily a birthmom" and then later "mom of 4, 2 naturally"

    HUM.... makes you wonder!


    OH, then there was the "Adoptee" (yeah right) who e-mailed me when I suggested we all support Allison Quest, who sent me a nasty e-mail.

    It went on to tell me that I should be ashamed as an aparent to support someone like her. Because if she actually loved her babies then she would have done more.. AND that it that were her bmom, she'd want nothing to do with her and it was her own DA*M fault for getting pregnant out of wedlock.

    Does that sound like an adoptee to you? I blocked her and coincidentaly that was her last time here. She popped in just that day, and yet, she knew me and everything I stand for, then poof she was gone.

  19. No, I always am honest about being adopted, about my infertility and about my reunion.  I'm not a first mother or an AP/PAP, though.  

    Sometimes irl I don't feel like going into the whole 20 questions when people find out, but I just tell the truth and that I'm not up for much discussion at the moment.

  20. No way, I love my parents :-)

  21. No lies--ever.  Sometimes I do keep my mouth shut if I'm not comfortable talking about something in a particular situation or manner.  But, I always tell the truth about my adoption here and in real life.  

    I too have noticed a few posters that seem to change as suits the question or mood of the day.

  22. If it is pertinent to the conversation - sure.  But I'll mention my dad or mom wthout saying "adoptive" just because it's not pertinent to the conversation.  Just as my husband is my husband.  I only call him my second husband if it's a point I'd like to make.

  23. I don't lie about it.

    All these 'triad' roles would explain a lot about her anger and frustration...

    Talk about some 'clubs' no one wants to be a member of...why would you want to say you were, if you weren't?

    {scratches head}

  24. I lied when I was a teenager, but not anymore.

    Yes, it seems she bit off more than she can chew, and I would probably cut her off, because that is not even a joking subject to me.

  25. no, I am not ashamed of my status as an adopted person. It is just as much a part of who I am as my hair color or my eye color.

    As for the person claiming ot be so many things, I suppose it's possible, but more likley is the person is just lying for attention or whatever kicks people get out of going online and making stuff up about themselves.

  26. nope, i tell the truth about it.

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