
Do you ever lie about your middle name?

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I hate my middle name, it's Elizabeth! It sounds so old and stuffy.

The other day at work when I was getting my paycheck,some co-workers noticed my middle name started with an E and that makes me name sounds like Courtney-ey.

My middle name embarasses me and I sometimes tell people it's Emma. They know I'm kidding but I just don't want people to know my middle name. They can tell because I laugh and smile when I say it.

Do you keep your middle name a secret? What is your middle name?




  1. elizabeth sounds better with your last name

    no i don't lie about my middle name but i lie about my first name a lot, i hate it! i go by my middle name which is danyell and my stage name (i act, dance and sing) is lavender danyell, my last name is lavender and i sometimes use it as my first name

  2. LOL! My middle name is Elizabeth too! I don't think it sound old and stuffy. My Grandmother had that middle name and so did my mom. I think it is an honor that I get to carry on the tradition and my sister doesn't! You should too! Although I do agree with you that Courtney Elizabeth does make you sound like Courtney-ey, it sounds unique. Seriously, have you EVER met a Courtney Elizabeth? I know I havn't! And no, I don't keep my middle name a secret, but my friend Gabrielle does. Her middle name is Olga. LOL! Now that is a name I don't blame her for keeping secret! Hope I helped!

  3. I think your full name sounds wonderful! ^_^ My full name is Wayne Mikel Dale. It has a good ring to it even though my initials also stand for Weapon of Mass Destruction XP Your name sounds intellectual, sophisticated and frikinawesome :) I think you should be proud of your middle name. You have a unique one that i doubt anyone else has and we all know it's fun to be different ^_^

  4. i love my middle names,

    my middle names are renay and elizabeth,

    and no i do not keep mine a secret.

  5. I love your middle name. It's really pretty :) But if you don't like it it's not liek you have to go shouting it to the world. If people ask just be like non ya business. Or make em guess, they will get tired of it eventually

  6. Mine is Louise and I never used to like it and wouldn't write it down when I wrote my full name. I'm used to it now and don't really mind it.  

  7. I sometimes tell people that I don't have one, cause I hate mine. It's my mother's maiden name. But I told one person and they told a lot of other people, so I can't really hide it anymore.

  8. Try living with *Jamay*!  I still to this day cannot get a straight answer about where that one came from!  Anyways, the name Elizabeth would be a joy for me:)  If you hate it that much then get it legally changed!

  9. Mikayla Maire Baer..

    or as some people know me  

    Mikki Marie!

    nope i love mine! it justs rolls off the tongue. dont you think?

    but my sister hides hers,

    Brianna Ried Baer.

    she tells people is brianna renee'

    frankly, im jealous of her.

    my older sister has a Polish first name, (Casza)

    and Reid, is also a polish name,

    i am the one in our family most proud of being polish, and yet NO POLISH NAME!  

  10. Wow, are you serious?

    I've always wanted Elizabeth as my middle name! But nooo my initials had to match my twin brother's initials.

    So my name is Catherine TATUM!!! (my twins is Christopher Thomas) I hate my middle name, it sounds terrible. And a lot of people call me Catherine Tatortot! Which sucks even more.

    Why couldn't my parents name me Catherine Taylor or another "T" name?

    I can 100% relate! I always refuse to tell someone my middle name, but then when they found out I always act really proud and confident.

    Courtney Elizabeth is really pretty! That's my aunt name, actually! I love it. Courtney Elizabeth Barrington sounds perfect... not even kidding.


  11. Mine is Ann. I used to want it to be Marie so I used to hyphenate it to Ann-Marie but, I've learned to like Ann. I don't really care because my middle name isn't usually used for anything.

  12. I'm fine with people knowing my middle name

    i mean y does it really matter

    and my middle name is elizabeth also

  13. I don't lie about mine because mine's really unique and I like it.

    It's okay to be unhappy about your name, and if people make fun of you for it, s***w them.

    I love the middle name Elizabeth.

  14. kyaaa!?!  Elizabeth is a pretty name!  i know it's old fashioned but the reason it's survived all this time is because everyone likes it.  also there were two queens named Elizabeth!!

    Emma is so popular these days.  It used to be awesome but now it's just common.

    be proud of your name.  It makes you sound like nobility or something XD

    besides your initials don't spell out anything weird and that's good.  CEB see it doesn't mean anything.  what if your name was Ashley Susanne Smith?  O.O

    my middle name is Camille.  I don't lie about it but once in 10th grade i wish i did because this really annoying girl i sat by asked me my name.. and her first name is Camylle!  My teacher said he felt sorry for me.  puhghh.  oh well i still like my name.

  15. i dont get whats so embarassing about Elizabeth its a cute name, it doesnt sound old and stuffy.

    My first middle name is Susan. now thats an old and stuffy name.

    but my second one is Renee and i like that one way better.

  16. there is nothing wrong with the name Elixabeth! If the queen of England, and i have it, it can't be that bad!

  17. Weird.

    Everyones middle name is Elizabeth.

    For me to add on,

    Mine is ida elizabeth.


  18. mines Taylor Lynn and i never lie about it. but i like courtney elizabeth barrington its cute but so is courtney emma barrington. which ever you like is fine. i wouldnt worry about it =]

  19. yeah i've never lied about my middle name actually i love my name

    Danielle Nicole

    however i do hate the fact that everyone has it.

    but a lot of my friends have the middle name Elizabeth

  20. honestly, you don't have it bad at all.

    my middle name is paige!

    talk about old and stuffy!

    and i have a friend whose middle name is constance!


  21. nope my middle name is joy, its my grandmas first name. it sounds oldish, but i dont know alot of ppl with the name. i hate my first name, kaitlyn. too common. i like to be called kaity. lol =]

    my one friend calls me kaity jo. =]

    my sisters first name is emma and her middle name is rose, and i think thats too much like emily rose, as in the exorsim of emily rose. my sister can probably be worse than emily rose tho, lol!!!

  22. honestly i like courtney elizabeth better. but thats just me.

    my middle name is jun, rosalie jun. its japanese, and a little weird, but ive learned to love and accept it, and i think you should too.

    im named after someone, if you found out the background info with your name, maybe it would help you appriciate it.

    or you could find a nickname in elizabeth that you like and you could tell people thats your name instead. like eliza lizzy beth, liza, theres tons more :)

    hope this helped :)

  23. no, i dont lie..i only tell them half of it.

    my full name is jennifer lynn nichole anderson

    but i go by jenn...

    so i think jenn lynn anderson sounds wierd

    so i go by jenn nichole anderson

    i think it sounds better than

    jenn lynn nichole anderson


    Jenn Nichole Anderson it is=]

  24. you hate yours?


    i have three middle names. and they aren't normal.

    olayide? aduke? obiangele?


    be happy you have elizabeth.

  25. i hate my real name, and my middle name.

    but i don't kept them a secret... i just hate when people call my by real name [elizabeth.. haha]. my middle name is ann.

    I don't kept them secret, though, there is nothing I can do about it.

  26. no ive nver lied about my middle name, but i really dont like it. Rachel Lynn. sometimes i just tell people it, while others i will not tell them. idk why

  27. I don't keep mine a secret!

    It Elizabeth.

    I know tons of people of all ages with the first name Elizabeth, and I think it's cute not stuffy.

    Probably 1/5 girls I know have the middle name Elizabeth though, which sucks.

  28. Mine's Inna. (Pronounced ee-nuh)

    I'm proud of it, it's my mom's name.  :)

  29. name is courtney too..I'm Courtney Nichole tho i like my middle name

    but i like Elizabeth as a middle name, i think Elizabeth sounds better then emma

  30. aww but elizabeth is your family name

    you could have lizzy be your middle name!

    my middle name is tatiana

    it was my grandmothers name

    but eh

    i dont like it much

  31. I always grew up hating my first name.  So your story reminded me of old times, my name is so plain and boring, Sarah, and everyone's name was Sarah when I was in school, and my best friend growing up, her name was Ann, so we decided to change our names...  Lol, whenever we went out, we told people our names were Stephanie, yes both of us!  For years people thought my real name was Stephanie.  Good times...

    Thought I'd reminisce that with you.

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