
Do you ever lie about your nationality?

by  |  earlier

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my family is tongan, but we look hawaiian and my father told this cop we were because he didnt want to explain where our island is. i was embarassed because we are not hawaiian and i am proud of where we come from. this ever happen to you?




  1. I can honestly say .I never do, because I'm proud of who I am and where I'm from.

    Everyone should be proud of their nationality.

    I'm Albanian, muslim to and proud of it. =)

    Love the question.  

  2. Ha! It would never work.

  3. Never Ever.. Proud to be 100% Mexican.. and yes I get mistakened as "White" (European).. but I always correct them..

  4. well sum people thought im chiness(ven tho i have big dark dark brown eyes)

    and sum says i look like spanish(well i do have spanish blood but i dont have thier nose lol ^_^)

    but no im happy being a filipino!!

  5. yeah why the f*** is this in this section. lmao

  6. nope..

  7. tongans are awesome.

  8. Nope , ive never had to

  9. No Im proud of being Dutch/Australian

  10. naww. [:

    that's sad. where is tongan btw?

  11. The reason you say your dad misrepresented himself does not seem like a big lie.  A lot of people have limited world experience unless they are avid readers or well travelled or just intelligent enough to what to know the many differences of culture and people.  Most people would not even know what tongan is.  When dealing with police I would have made it short and simple like your dad did.  Your father made the best choice.  And, yes I think we all lie about our nationality because most of us would not go down our ancestry line and detail what we are and none of us are pure in pedigree

  12. Why is this in the "L*****n, g*y, Bisexual, and Transgendered" section? LMFAO  and I'm as proud as it gets to the point of where I'm from.

  13. Im half Japanese and half New Zealander and im proud of it. Japan and New Zealand are both great nations and Im glad I can speak both Japanese and English.  

  14. no i am very honest about the fact that i wish i were another nationality.

  15. Not me personally but I know people that lie about their nationality, but there is always a reason behind it why they do it, one important reason is that they have been assimilated by force for instance  like many Kurds from Turkey.

  16. Depending on what the situation is, I lie about my nationality/ethnicity.

    On scholarship and beneficial accounts, I tell my true nationality/ethnicity. Otherwise, I lie because I want to avoid being grouped into categories and such.  

  17. Nope never felt the need to lie about my nationality! Although when I was younger I used to lie about having an accent, because I was embarrassed about having a lisp!

  18. Your nationality sounds fun to pronounce. Lol

    Nope, I'm proud of my nationality and would NEVER lie

    about it. (:

  19. This has happened to me on more than one occasion--but I haven't lied about my background--just put things right.  To most people I look Caucasian, which I am about 75% White (or European-American)--but I am also 25% Hispanic(Mexican-and Ecuadorian).  I am proud of my ethnic background, and it just goes to show that "you can't judge a book by its cover"!

  20. No, because I am proud of who I am.

  21. No I never have Im British , but maybe in your fathers situation I may have done the same .

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