
Do you ever lie to your parents?

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when they ask you if you've done something they wanted you to do? Do you feel guilty when they ask if you've done what they wanted you to do and therefor do what they asked you to do so as to not feel guilty about it? Or do you just not care? Feel free to share your experiences.




  1. It's important at any age not to lie to people.  If your parents want you to do something and you have a reason not to do it, simply talk to them.  They were young once too.  I'm sure they would rather have you talk to them than lie.  Sooner or later lies usually come out anyway.  In order to establish better communication within the family, it's important that you talk things out and ask them to listen to you.

  2. It is wrong. becuase when i was growing

    up i was taught never to lie.

    but i do it when it is neccesary

    and yes i do feel guilty.:)


  3. i've lied to them a few times

  4. If it is within my power or it is something I do not mind doing then I will try to get it done...If it is something that I feel uneasy or just refuse to do then I tell them 'no' and why (and hopefully they will not ask again)...sometimes I get busy and forget a few things from time to time and then of course when they ask if I got it done I will have to admit 'no' and maybe throw in an excuse for extra measure - lol...

    I need to also point out that I am an adult and do not have to do as my parents say unless I just want to...

    For the most part though, (and I only have one parent) I do my best to be helpful to my mother....she's done so much for me (my whole life), how could I possibly turn my back on her completely?! I would like to also point out that my mother and I have a very good relationship and she is also a very good and decent person...if she were awful or abusive I would probably consider not doing anything she asked....If we actually got along better by not having much to do with each other then I would also be more apt to just let her deal with herself also!

    I can be cold sometimes when I feel it is better to stay away from a pointless argument! But thankfully we have never had those types of issues!

    Hope that made sense! LOL!

  5. it's wrong, but i do constantly lie to my parents about what's goign on w/ my friends and all. they budge into my life and get involved w/ everyhting.

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