
Do you ever look at yourself through the eyes of someone else?

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If so, who?




  1. I try to step back in a situation and mentally see myself. I try and watch how I talk to people, what I say (trying not to say anything I'll regret), how I conduct myself, and how the person I'm talking too may interpret my actions or the conversation as a whole. The rule of thumb that I live by is "do onto others as you would have them do unto you".

  2. Yes, usually my parents... then I cringe.

    If I'm having a disagreement with someone, I try to look at the way my argument comes across to them, to see if I can make it more reasonable or compromising.  

  3. I rely on my wife of 19 years to tell me my faults and best attributes.  

  4. It depends on the situation, in an interview I try and see myself how an interviewer would see me. Sometimes I try and put myself in my husbands eyes and look at me like he does.

    It's not physically possible like someone said, but I do it.

  5. well obviously not literally.

    I normally look at myself through the eyes of my friends because they are all so pretty and funny.

  6. Yeah, a few times but not to be rude... And, I've done it to this kid Matt <333 He's my sweetheart, I love him to tears he has beautiful eyes that when you look into you can see yourself... He's beautiful! :D

  7. To be honest, the concept terrifies me.  I'm happy with my deluded sense of self.

  8. My twin brothers.

  9. If that were possbile we would avoid many mistakes in our lives.

  10. I do this when I'm feeling low, I look at myself through the eyes of someone who really loves me and sees the best in me when I might not be seeing it and could use a pick me up. Usually my dad, cousin or boyfriend.

  11. Yes. my boyfriend

  12. Yeh all the time - sometimes this is upsetting and sometimes uplifting.  At the moment I'm teaching young adults and they have me up on a pedastool thats really nice and I try and live up to their trust and faith in me.

  13. Just so I have an idea of how I am to the public, I constantly pay attention to how the opinion of me in my house from my family changes. Recently I have dim eyes and kind of sad demeanor. I am working on it, I guess :)

  14. I do try to envision myself as others may perceive me, if that's what you mean. The only other human who's opinion truly matters to me is my husband.  But I also try to think of things in the light of "Would God be pleased with what I'm about to say or do?" before speaking or acting on something. Helps keep me straight (I hope). :o) ♥ ∞

  15. I try to see myself as others do, but there is a sharp limit to my willingness to compromise.

    Perhaps this is because I took so much unnecessary flak in earlier years that, if I had been more willing to look at myself through other people's eyes, I'd be a basket case.

  16. This is not anatomically nor physiologically possible.

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