
Do you ever look up at the stars and wonder why we are here?

by  |  earlier

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Do you ever look up at the stars and wonder why we are here?




  1. watch men in black lately?

  2. Sure I do! And I love to photograph the night sky in winter. When I lived in the far north I'd watch the northern lights too!

    But gazing at all of this wonder doesn't tell me any more about why we exist than if I stared at a blank page.

    So I guess I just have to look at my own life and struggle to create my own purpose like everyone else does - that's a hint by the way.

    Oh, also....if I'm looking up at the stars, that should tell me I have a problem - because if I can see the stars from here, that means the roof has blown off the house!! EEK!! Hahahaha!!

  3. no.  theres too much pollution.

  4. It is my mission to bring world peace or, at the least, make my neighbor who left her husband, very happy.

  5. Not anymore...

  6. yeah,its pretty nice to think bout that sumtimes while lookin at da stars

  7. Purpose is why we're all here!


  8. dude do u know why we r here or why u r here to make a fool of u r self and be al wondere

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