
Do you ever mock the gods/goddesses of religions other than your own?

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If you are religious, do you mock the deities of other religions? Why?

If you aren't religious, do you mock the gods of people who are? Why?




  1. I'm agnostic/atheist and I constantly mock my own god but he doesn't exist so I'm confused now thanks.

  2. I've made humorous reference to almost every Deity I've ever heard of at one time or another.  Although, generally, I think I'm quite respectful, I'm sure some might see it as mockery.  However, if they were to ask the deities themselves, I'll bet they would I agree I'm laugh with them, not at them.

    PS as a Pantheist, the entire Universe is my God, and thus anytime I've ever mocked anything, I've mocked my own God to some degree.

  3. I hold nothing sacred. I mock everything, myself included.

  4. No. My closest friends do on occasion but I don't. I respect other peoples beliefs even though most don't respect mine.

  5. I have no god yet I mock those who do.

    I do so because they push their religious dogmas into my government and educational system.

  6. Mockery is a cheap trick... I prefer to expose the

    truth about Christians, Moslems and Jews, through

    verifyable historical evidence of their crimes against


    I'll compare pedigrees with them anytime, and no

    idle mockery will be required.

  7. I mock everyone.  I guess I'm just an angry person like that.  I'm trying to open up more, decentralizing my self and whatnot.  It's not all that easy to do without rainbow chemicals, though.

  8. Why would I mock anyone's beliefs? I don't have a superiority complex.

  9. No - I believe in respecting all people's right to believe how they wish.

    I haven't even ever mocked the Flying Spaghetti Monster or the Raelians.

  10. Absolutely not, I respect other religions too much to mock them or their G-ds

  11. No, I do not mock others beliefs, I defend my own.

  12. Lmao at the second answer. XD

    My answer to the question would be no.

  13. I don't mock other religions, although i do question some of the followers

  14. Sun God Sun God, he's a really fun god!  Ra Ra Ra!

    In answer, yes...

  15. They are very real to those who honor them. As long as they understand that their gods will never be as real to me in the same way, then we're good.

    The moment they assume that I should adopt their gods as my own, out of some need to proselytize... Well...

    What we have here is a failure to communicate.  

  16. It is fun to mock the christian and Muslim god, and I do so every chance I get. I leave most of the other deities alone. It seems that the polytheistic deities are more fun and fantastic...the mythology and stories are at least more enjoyable than the boring bible or Quran. I mean who wouldn't think a hot goddess with six arms isn't cool

  17.    I mock deities and demi-gods of all religions including mine.  Everybody  is entitled to their opinions. I am entitled to mine. I am one of the 'Everybody". Being religious is not holiness. It is the faith and the life style that counts.  In the end only the truth shall prevail.

  18. No I don't because mockery is just mean.

  19. Hey! Your Flying Spaghetti Monster can kiss my boy Odin's shiny divine ***!

  20. Its disrespectful to mock the Gods of others. We wouldn’t tolerate any other insulting our religion or ‘God’ so we really shouldn’t offend others.

    Yes in a crowd or group the atmosphere is funny and someone makes a funny remark we all laugh. But realistically well bred people are rarely discourteous to other human beings, the matter of insulting the unseen or unknown doesn’t arise.

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