
Do you ever play the lottery or Euromillions?

by  |  earlier

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Ever won much?




  1. about once a month


  2. Yeah,  play both. Best win £13 on Euromillions. Other than that, bout £10 twice a year if i'm really lucky.

  3. won €5 on euromillions first time I played it on my 18th bday...haven't won anything since lol : )

  4. Won about 4x £10 per annum since it started. Only once have I had four numbers and got £30.

    Still the money is going to worthy causes-

    the black pregnant L*****n society

  5. 6500 pounds before the euro came in eat your heart out

  6. i do the irish lottery here, and have been so lucky.

  7. Played it...won nothing

  8. I only ever win small amounts, like 40 euro was the most I ever won, and I did win a few scratch cards too. Better than nothing tho!

  9. I play the lotto when av got a £1 on me and am passing a is £10 three times so far

  10. Occasionally, yes, has not won yet, but still hoping :).

  11. I play the lottery.And won £60 few years ago.

  12. yes best win £94 have had £76 and £42 as well

  13. yeah, and i ve never even won a euro. I reckon your are still better playin the national lottery, c**p prize but waaaaaay better odds!

  14. play both regularly - best win was £48; 4 numbers on Lotto on a bad week!

  15. I play the lottery rarely and when i get the chance. Not won anything though :(

  16. my job plays it every week, we ususally win a little each time, and when it gets to €500 we raffle off €50, the most we won was about €60, if we're lucky we'd win about €10 a week.

    I figured our investment in the Euro Millions worked out at a negative return rate of 80% or something mad like that, so I didn't tell the others, they still want to live the dream.

    Having said that I've been out sick for a number of weeks, so if I go back and they've won big I don't think I could cope

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