
Do you ever question the profession you love?

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Ever wonder if the job you are working is worth it, even if it's the job you love? I know it's just human nature to sometimes to dislike your job, but sometimes i wonder if i'm wasting my life, or what greater things I could do with my life.

I work as a chef and love my work 99% of the time, when I'm there doing it. But the long, long hours and other things like never having a weekend off, or never even getting 2 days in a row off, or never being home with my family for holidays are getting to me. Do you think that i should stick with a profession that is enjoyable, when I'm there in the moment, but later sucks, or change?

P.S. all you people who go out to eat at a restaurant on Mother's Day/Father's Day/ Christmas eve etc, should really appreciate the staff at the restaurant you go to that is there serving you, and not at home with their family




  1. I always wanted to be a chef but I hate the idea of slaving over a hot stove all day. You should love your job. There's so many people that flip burgers and serve fries for a living and only do it for the money. But your different.  

  2. The answer is simple...figure out what is more important to you...your free time or work. Then make the choice

  3. I stay home and eat with my family during holidays because i am afraid people like you are spitting in my food

    I think you should go with the profession that pays the best for you

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