Ever wonder if the job you are working is worth it, even if it's the job you love? I know it's just human nature to sometimes to dislike your job, but sometimes i wonder if i'm wasting my life, or what greater things I could do with my life.
I work as a chef and love my work 99% of the time, when I'm there doing it. But the long, long hours and other things like never having a weekend off, or never even getting 2 days in a row off, or never being home with my family for holidays are getting to me. Do you think that i should stick with a profession that is enjoyable, when I'm there in the moment, but later sucks, or change?
P.S. all you people who go out to eat at a restaurant on Mother's Day/Father's Day/ Christmas eve etc, should really appreciate the staff at the restaurant you go to that is there serving you, and not at home with their family