
Do you ever split lanes on the freeway?

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If so: how do cagers react when you do?




  1. I live in California which, I understand, is the only state where lane splitting is legal.  But actually it's a gray area.  If a cop sees you do something he thinks is unsafe he'll write you a ticket for 'illegal lane change'.

    The rule is that you can't lane-split when traffic is going faster than a certain speed, say 25 mph, and you can't go more than x-number faster than the cars, say 10 mph.  These numbers are not defined in law because there is no law.  I see young idiots slipping between cars at 60 mph and I think that's not just wrong, and dumb, but unnecessary.

    When traffic is just crawling, or stopped altogether I do lane-split. It seems perfectly safe.  And that happens a lot here.  It's a good way to get through a jam and be on your way, and it doesn't slow anyone down.  Once in a great while someone in a car will see me coming and pull over to close up the opening, just for spite, but I can still get through!  More often if they see me coming they will pull the other way to give me more room.  Sometimes I yell 'Thanks!' as I go by.  Mostly cagers see that you're not slowing them down and they don't mind.

    If traffic is moving steadily at 25 mph or so, I won't lane split because that's the condition where cars will quickly change lanes to take advantage of an opening, to get one car-length closer to their destination.  But slower than that, all the lanes are filled and nobody can change lanes very easily, and that's when lane-splitting is safe.

    Also, I think if you have a little accident lane-splitting, if you clip a mirror or something, you can assume that everyone, including the judge, will figure it's your fault since it wouldn't have happened if you weren't lane-splitting.

  2. Yeah, i do it, i usually will come up on them & pass them before they even know i was there. Probably freak's out some who are not paying attention.

  3. Never.  Unsafe and illegal where I live.

  4. split lanes.... have no idea what that is...

    like salt flats

  5. all the time, usually going to fast to know how they react. some blow the horn though. Recently made it from prescot to phoenix in 24 minutes flat rollin hard!!!!! did that on my 150 inch merch powered beast.

  6. I live in California and yes, occasionally I do.

    Is it dangerous, yes. But in California it has been a legal for years and years. That doesn't make it safer, but it does mean that it is a well known practice and one that is regularly used by CHP motor cops. The MFS even covers this in their courses, and while they don't recommend it they do teach you how to do it smartly.

    Still, the only time I do is when traffic is at a dead crawl and my bike is beginning to overheat and it's safer for me to move at 5mph (+/-) over the traffic around me and find a safe spot to pull over and let my bike cool down.

    As for the reaction of cagers, it ranges from them moving over slightly to let me by (an obvious motorcyclist) or moving over to squeeze me out (obvious assbag). Oh, and then their are the idiots on their cell phones completely oblivious to everyone around them, but they are a hazard to motorcyclists anyway so you might as well try to avoid them one way or another.

  7. Its the only way to ride on the highway if you're in a group really. It affords a helluva lot of protection against idiot drivers. It makes more sense as well, it takes up less room and discourages weaving and other squid-like behavior. Why its illegal in most states is beyond me, oh wait, I remember, theres a severe motorcycle bias in the country.

    And personally, if cagers have a problem with motorcyclists sharing the same space in one lane, they can go to h**l. Ive had people gesture at me, yell all sorts of obscenities. Then again, they're usually the ones that drive like morons and feel that its their god given right to speed like idiots, and too bad for anybody in their way.

  8. That's the type of c**p that affects the image of all who ride.  It's not legal and it's dangerous.  Other motorists don't expect to have a bike sneaking in between like that and aren't likely to keep an eye out for it either.  

    In most states, each motorcycle is entitled to a lane share equal to the lane width, plus adequate length to allow for safe following distance(in front & back).  If YOU give yourself less space than that, don't be surprised if you have an ugly encouter with a "cager," more commonly known as an accident.  (I have seen them and they are UGLY!)   ...and guess what; it will you YOUR fault.

  9. I don't because my highway bars might get caught on the cars...

  10. No, never in moving traffic.  Its probably one of the most dangerous maneuvers you can make on a bike.

    Maybe in stand-still traffic, even then, I'd likely use the shoulder rather than lane split.

    Imagine if you were riding in a staggered group formation and some cager tried to slalom through your group using the bikes as "cones"!

    Hey Little Kyle, don't you want to be standing on the seat and blindfolded too?!?! LOL!!!

  11. By lane split, do you mean share a lane with another biker, or split between two cars/trucks. The former, I do, the latter...well, I value my life.

  12. aint legal here

    i've passed on the shoulder a few times when there is a geezer holding everyone up

    it doesn't go over very well and i know it's wrong, done it a few times maybe

  13. It's legal in the UK and not discouraged in any way by the police unless you ride like an idiot i.e. with a huge differential between your speed and that of the traffic you are filtering between. I ride for the emergency services and would much rather filter (lane split) than ride in the emergency lane at the edge of the road which is full of all kinds of c**p and debris and likely to damage my tyres. Even with blue lights and sirens I'd still lane split.

    Have done it many times in California with no problem and no negative reactions from cage drivers.  

  14. My rule is that you have to be doing at least 50mph over the speed limit, and on one wheel when splitting lanes. I also am a firm believer in not wearing a helmet or shirt when riding. Just sunglasses and a muscle shirt. Everyone should start on a literbike or bigger.

  15. I saw people doing it in Cali and apparently it's legal, that's crazy. Personally I think it's pretty stupid, good way to get yourself killed, you never know if some idiots goign to change lanes or even clip you on purpose.  

  16. Yes

    I don't know what a cager is.....

  17. Nah not usually. Interstate 40 is pretty much wide open most of the times I'm riding.

    The idiots in cars drive too reckless for me to even risk it. It's common practice here for cars to just cross two or three lanes of traffic without signaling or shoulder check. they just swerve and go.


  19. Yes.  They get ticked because I interrupt their phone call or wake them up when I do it. They blow the horn, sometimes flip me off.

  20. No.  It's Illegal where I live.  There have been many situations where I would have done it were it not for Johnny Law.

  21. NO

    I shudder when I see the "children" who ride sport bike do it

    if you are referring to sliding between cars, one in each lane.

    Staggering is the proper term for riding in same lane with another bike

    6 to 6 ft behind each other , but staggered

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