
Do you ever start tidying up then sit down half way thru and not want to get up again?

by  |  earlier

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I just tidied out a cupboard in my lounge and laid some sticky back tiles in it, now i have sat down and am watching the tennis and i cant be bothered to put back everything into the cupboard!!

And who would believe i have chucked out 4 bin bags of rubbish from a cupboard!!




  1. i did that earlier sorted the ironin into piles put the dinner on made meself a cup of tea sat down and completely forgot i was meant to start the ironin. but after 3 weeks of housework i am happy to say i am doin my bit for charity cos im now goin thru stuff i dont need or want and givin it to charity.

  2. It always happens to me, I start tidying something but half way though I stop and can't be brothered to carry on.

  3. TIDY UP ???????

    I'm a male, men dont tidy up, they just make a mess. Its in the genes.

  4. I don't think you really have a're just telling a story. And not a very good one!

  5. I am doing it right now. I always leave my bedroom for last because the computer is in it and I can't resist sitting

    down and looking at Y/A. I have been here for two hours typing answers with the vacuum cleaner and with clean sheets and slips on the bed!!

  6. all the time, lifes too short to stuff a mushroom.

  7. And I thought it was just

    I have half a cupboard of stuff on the living room floor as I speak...since last Friday. I get halfway through it and then run out of steam!

  8. Reward yourself with watching the tennis. Tell yourself, "next commercial I'm going to put back some stuff back in my beautifully organized cupboard." How many commercial breaks do you think it'll take to get it all put away?

  9. Oh, yes!!  Tidying up is not my favorite thing, either!!  If you can hire a kid to handle the stuff while you sit there and give directions, it goes much easier.  If I have to handle the things, I get caught up in thinking about where I got it, if I can use it again, etc.  Takes me forever!!

  10. silver lineing: you've started... at least those tiles won't be sitting in the trunk of your car for the next six weeks. it's a sunday, take your time. there is no rush. 4 bags of trash is alot of stuff, so think of it this way. if you took 4 bags of stuff out to the trash then there is less to put in then you took out of the cupboard in the first place so really it's not gonna take you all the long. good luck

  11. yes, but if you make yourself get back up (music helps) turn off your tv.  You can knock it out and feel like a champ. When I am in a groove I dont sit down to take my brake or if I do its at a table without the tv, if I sit on the couch I loose momentum. Its  Normal!

  12. Yes I do this all the time, thank goodness I am not the only one! I also jump from one thing to another non related.....I really am so hap hazzard. Also my mind runs away with me and for example I am dusting and I never remember if I've already done a certain area so proably in the end do it about 10 times!

  13. Well done, atleast you did do some work!

    Now all you have to do is stand up and finish it off...

  14. All the time, I get easily distracted.  Sometimes I don't even get started . . . Hmm, lunchtime.  Gotta go start it making it.  What were we talking about?

  15. Heck yes!!! Especially if i get distracted by the tv, a phone call/text etc!!!

  16. of course. I find the best way to get through things is to think how you feel when you have completed your task. Then you can sit down without that nagging feeling that there is still more to do.

  17. Yes =]

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