
Do you ever stop and think that EVERYTHING in our Universe could be?

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A single skin cell on some creature in another dimension? And everything in that creature's Universe is a single skin cell on another creature in another dimension?




  1. thats such an interesting question !!

    we might be...

    i was watching this show once in the science channel && it said that our universe can be just one of an infinite number of universes in a pool of univeres && that could be part of an infinate number of pools of these universes.

    its really mind boggling.

  2. would it matter

  3. Long ago, I heard that our universe might be a bubble in a glass of beer going down the throat of a giant in another universe, and a bubble in a glass of beer in our universe contains another whole universe. That would make one universe about 10^30 times larger than the next one.

    I thought about that occasionally for decades. About 18 months ago, I started having new insights about it. I thought about it all the time for months; finally figured out that the scale factor separating one universe from the next must be much greater than that. The scale of this universe is about 10^60 times smaller than the scale of the super-universe. In other words, an electron in the super-universe is about 10^18 times wider than our visible universe (which is about 10^26 meter across).

    The cosmic foam of our universe consists of voids about 10^24 meter across surrounded by walls of huge galaxies. The cosmic foam of the sub-universe is made of voids about 10^-35 meter across surrounded by walls of tiny galaxies. The cosmic foam of the sub-universe is the ether foam of our universe, and the cosmic foam of our universe is the ether foam of the super-universe. These are just three in an infinite scale-wise sequence of universes.

    The expansion of space in our unverse stretches the bubble walls of our cosmic foam until, one by one, they burst. When a bubble wall bursts, pressure waves radiate thru the foam; that is the sourse of all matter and energy in the super-universe. Likewise everything in our universe is driven by the expansion of space in the sub-universe.

    Space can be measured in cosmic-foam bubbles; a meter is about 10^35 bubbles across; this does not change as space expands. Space expands because the number of our ether-foam bubbles increases due to the popping of cosmic-foam bubbles in the sub-universe. But for the number of bubbles to increase, bubbles must un-pop; new walls appear across ether-foam bubbles. This means that sub-universe time and super-universe time are running backward relative to our time. As our universe gets older, the sub-universe and super-universe are getting younger.

  4. this reminds me of the movie horton hears a who. but anyways, it could be possible, that our universe is floating around another person's skin cell and the god we praise is that living person.

  5. Possible.  But improbable.  I think there's about a 50/50 probability that there are more than 3 spatial dimensions and many other universes, but I doubt there is any kind of "life" in which our universe is but a single atom.

  6. Yes! Although I think statistically it would more likely be some "molecules" in a "rock" in the next-order-of-magnitude space / time system.  

    We cannot fail to consider however that we have no way to observe this or even begin to find it out.  Therefore for us whatever it might "be" simply does not exist which leads to the reciprocal question, would our universe exist if we were not here to observe it?  I think not!


  7. Just as likely as the Matrix or ol' Ben Kenobi's Force.

  8. No, that is a retarded question.

  9. Yes, I think about weird stuff like that.

  10. Have you ever heard the phrase, "I think, therfore I am"? It suggests that you can only be certain that YOU exist.

  11. I agree that it is entirely possible but I think that part of the answer can be found in the humble shape of a circle or sphere. Don't ask me why but you only have to look at the smallest particles of matter & the largest objects (giant Suns) in the Universe & the common bond between them is the shape of a sphere. You may say it is just co-incidental but I think there is more to it than that !

  12. or like men in black, we're just marble playthings.

  13. yeah, but think about this. a grain of sand on us is more like a grain of sand on a grain of sand on a grain of sand on a grain of sand on a grain of sand on a grain of sand and it could possibly just keep on going. just read..

    grain of sand is on us. we are on the earth. the earth is in the solar system. the solar system is in the galaxy. the galaxy is in bunches of galaxies. bunches of galaxies are in the universe. the universe could just be a grain of sand on another enormous person. the chain could just keep on going forever.

  14. Yes.  See Isaac Asimov's short stories.  He had us busting out of the universe only to windup on a microscope slide.  Lots of othe cool ideas.

  15. My gosh! I'm having multiple brain farts just thinking about this question!  But yeah, it could be! Sort of like the circle of life, or dimensions, or parrellel Universes lol.

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