
Do you ever suffer from discomgoogolation?

by  |  earlier

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It is a new term to describe stress and anxiety felt when you are cut of from your Internet connection. Are you a sufferer, or can you cope with life without the Internet?




  1. I was off the net for 4 weeks this summer and it did me the world of good!

  2. Yes yes yes and yes I suffered from it earlier this year when my internet was lost because of a balls up from the provider( who then wouldn't release the line) two months without internet you can imagine the horror of it.

  3. i am not bothered , when my broadband connection contract expires , thats it finito . i will do other more useful things  

  4. Abso-fookin-lutely

    Why else do I have a friggin phone bill for 300 quid because I had to use a dial up connection?!

  5. I suffer from it, yes, but it's not because of the Internet. It's because I use the Internet to talk to someone that I can't live without.

  6. I was suffering from that for 3 months earlier this year. Thankfully I'm over it now though.

  7. I was an addict the mother board died and I went through total withdrawal symptoms. It's good it happened I learned a lot from that experience. I can actually not turn the computer on now.. but I like it anyways it keeps me company and I don't have to feed it.  I don't do the computer when I am away on vacation but I don't miss it either.

  8. yes afraid so, i used to think the internet was the devil and i still do to a point but since going to college and doing IT and learning how much fun it could be i now love it, i hate the weekends when mr dolly is home because i cant get on much and it makes me bad tempered. i dont know what i'd do without my computer now so much so that in fact i bought another one just as a spare incase the main one breaks, how sad is that ?  lololol

  9. I dragged my feet over getting ' connected' because I knew I would be a nightmare.

    I suffer from acute nosiness as it is so I knew the Internet would just feed my habit!

    And I was 100% right. I would sell Mr Haz and the little Haz's like a flash if it were a choice between them and my preciuossss

  10. I probably would, as my Orange mailbox would fill up with spam overnight.

  11. Its incredible I went to the doctors & for the first time I have high blood pressure.Then my husband went doctor sent him for a heart test then he had blood tests & everything come back normal.My husband reckons its his ears mine was just up so have to go back.Have no idea if its

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