
Do you ever think 'why bother?'?

by  |  earlier

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Why bother with charting and figuring everything out while ttc? If you're having s*x on a regular basis, that's all you can really do. Why waste your time and stress yourself out with all the calculating? Unless you normally only have s*x with your significant other once a month or something....

All this figuring probably just stresses you out more...what do you think?




  1. I agree, although others might think differently. I really can't be bothered with all this charting and everything else that goes with it. I just believe in getting checked-up by Gyn to make sure everything is working well then just enjoy s*x with your husband after your AF every other day.

  2. i totally agree...and thats y i stopped doing it after the first month of trying because i was sick of being stressed out over we just had s*x on a regular basis like normal...didnt make it all about having a baby..we made it fun and interesting..and that was the month i got pregnant :)...we wernt worrying about it...we wernt stressing about it...i didnt even realize my period was late untill i looked on the calender and seen when i was supposed to start haha...but yea we did that the second month of trying and i got pregnant that month :)

  3. ttc can be really hard....if you have intercourse every other day chances are you could hit a fertile if you've been trying for a few months with no luck try talking to a doctor, sometimes with meds it can help you a lot, you can also ask a doctor online for free for advice, try the website FertilityTies

    good luck!

  4. For me the benefit of charting and temping was that it only took me 3 months to figure out that I wasn't ovulating based on my temps, so I was able to seek medical intervention after only 3 months instead of waiting the usual year.  Once they started the battery of testing, we learned that I don't ovulate and my husband has low sperm count -- we NEVER would have conceived naturally no matter HOW often we had s*x.  As he was already 30 and I was 28 and we want a fairly large family, I'm glad we didn't waste a bunch of time just randomly having s*x -- I'm glad we charted and paid attention so that we could seek help sooner!  As it is, we ended up having to do IVF, and then lost our first children (twins) at 25 weeks due to complications and preterm labor -- I'm pregnant again now (28 weeks), but here we are, both over 30 and still waiting for our first living child.  Where we would be if we had wasted a bunch of time before getting help?

  5. If you're very regular and fertile, then yes, it's not really necessary. But if you're not regular, or you've been trying for several months with no results, then it can really help you zero in on what the problem is (if there is a problem). If you only have two fertile days each month, you want to make sure you catch those days.

  6. i dont chart and all that. my friends stopped charting and ended up getting pregnant after they stopped all that. I know my body cycle enough. you can see when you get thicker and all that.  just have s*x all the time. when you feel hor ny then that is when youre body is most fertile.

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