
Do you ever think about people you knew back in elementary school?

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Do you ever think about people you knew back in elementary school?




  1. yea the teachers really sucked. many of the people were class A jagoffs. most have died, thankfully.

  2. You certainly have a way to get folks to pause for a moment and reflect ...

    Yes, as someone who enjoyed a delightful childhood -largely because of my parents love and their encouragement for me to thoroughly be a child- I often reflect back on my elementary school days -or at least those parts that this old man's memory allows him to remember.

    In fact, I still have two very good friends that have remained in my life since first grade -that's almost unheard of anymore .... and every once in a while we'll get together and talk and laugh about those crazy grade school days and some of the mischief we recall.

    Thanks for the prompt to bring some of those memories closer today.

  3. I always do I think school back then was fun and I realky got something out ofit.

  4. yes.......the good old days.........4 years ago

  5. Yep.  Not for very long though.  I finished elementary school 55 years ago.  I remember maybe a dozen people I went to school with by name.

  6. Well i guess i remember some fun times and people

  7. i'm not sure if this is weird but i can hardly remember anyone in elementary school

  8. I remember the friends I had from first grade all the way to today. I think about them sometimes and wonder where they are and if they are doing well.

  9. sometimes

  10. Yeah but im slowly forgetting it all except for those moments everyone has :)

  11. yep i do.... being a young tucker was fuuun

  12. hahah you call it elementary school..

    well im from australia..and its called primary school here

    and yeah primary school was the best times in my life ;)

  13. Rarely, unless I see them and that rekindles old memories. Sometimes I also remember bitter memories and that in turn makes me think about people I knew back then.

  14. sometimes, those were the good times

  15. sure. if they had a big impact like a crush or something. they are pleasant memories ofyour childhood

  16. Fifth grade <33 sigh.., good times.

    answer mine:;...

    ^^Ik this kid in elementary school too^^

  17. It does cross my mind from time to time. I remember the good times we had and some of the petty childhood conflicts we ran into. I remember some guys I had that school girl "crush" on and wonder what they look like now and if I would still find them attractive or if maturity and time would change my perspective. I wonder what some of my school friends are doing now and if they have succeeded in life and how time has affected their life.

    I have one dear friend that I first came into contact with in elementary school. We have been the best of friends for about 23 years now and it is a very close and wonderful relationship. We often do have that chat of "remember when... remember who" and wonder what some people are up to that we knew in elementary school.

  18. all the time!

  19. Not often, but ever so often. I think more of the people I knew in Junior High a tid bit more.

  20. of course!

    i really miss elementary school, everythings different.

    like i didnt care what i looked like or how my hair was.

    and therees was alot of fun stuff to do like monkey bars, hopscotch and all that.

    i think most people would probabaly want to go back to elementary school

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