
Do you ever think about the rising economies in asia?

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Do you ever think about the rising economies in asia?




  1. yes

    even it becomes horrific sometimes

  2. Yeah, kinda have to in order to be a decent global citizen.  I think it's great how they're getting their citizens out of poverty, and their prosperity is actually good for us.

  3. Yes and no. Yes they hold considerable economic leverage against us, but then again, their people are wallowing in poverty and getting exploited by their own governments. (India not so much but they're all backwards for a supposedly college educated nation (The British should've banished the caste system, it's ridiculous). There's nothing to fear about them, the US's will always be bigger and as long as their rise is based on the poverty and plight of their lower classes, no single asian country will ever come close to surpassing the US.

  4. All the time, and so does the US government.  This country is doing what it can to slow/prevent/ limit their growth and rising influence and control over global affairs.

  5. Only because they are sucking all the oil up making me buy 4+ dollar for a gallon of gas

  6. no

  7. not really

  8. uhhh, no i live in america

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