
Do you ever think the United States will become a democracy?

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Do you ever think the United States will become a democracy?




  1. NO.  With more than 300 million Americans now gracing our shores, it would not be possible to inquire of every one of them, even every registered adult voter, every time there was a decision to be made.  That's why we elect representatives and ask them to make most of those decisions for us.

    Can you imagine if, for every bill in Congress, every voter had to be contacted for their opinion?  Or, perhaps every voter would have to tune in to some internet site every five seconds to vote on something. We couldn't have lives, jobs or families!  And, each vote would take so long that we'd have a helluva time actually deciding anything at all.  

    Direct democracy, where everyone DOES get to vote on every issue, works well only when the group involved is very small, like on those hideous reality TV series where one member gets "voted off."  That's because there only a few votes to count, and a short amount of time needed to count them.

  2. Not until we change our way of thinking and the words in the Pledge of Allegiance which read, "I pledge allegiance to the United States of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands...."  A republic allows us to function as a democracy, it's the voters who seem to be interfering either by not voting or by re-electing dictators.

  3. Not very likely ....we will remain a republic.

  4. It's a representative democracy. It will never be a straight democracy.

  5. Too far gone......

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