
Do you ever truly feel content? Have you ever thought how much $/time you spend each week on being content?

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Do you ever truly feel content? Have you ever thought how much $/time you spend each week on being content?




  1. yes i have my self feeling contended most of the time. people that have vices and desires tend to spend more money and time to content their vices and desires. while in the other hand, people with no vices, with family, active participant in an organization tend to spend less because there is the force that keep them not to spend much. here. people that are less social tend to spend more to the people who are social because their emotional requirement is met. spending much time and money to feel contented is an indication that a person is having a emotional problem.

    i spend about less than a $80 a week to content me not considering my needs and a quite long time with my friends and in church.

    : )

  2. Yes I often feel truly content and I am thankful for it because it came late to me in life.

    Part of my contentment is occasionally needing, or wanting just for the pleasure of it, to buy stuff so I go out and do it. I am fortunate enough not to want/need expensive stuff so I can afford to do what I want.

    Time is not an issue for me - I no longer work - but I suppose when I look at an average week I don't actually spend much time going out to the shops. I hope this answers your question. Best wishes. UK

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