
Do you ever visit cemeteries to remind yourself that your Life has to be lived to the full.. ?

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...before Death transforms you into nothing ?

Thanks so much .




  1. It is a falsehood and a fallacy to presume death brings that blissful nothingness that God should himself hope for. Death is a release from the mortal body and the beginning of a new journey depending upon mans condemnation or acquittal from the deeds of this.

    Merging into universal immortality or rebirth at a lower order or to absolve misdeeds of this life. Escaping the cycle of suffering, death and rebirth requires a detached commitment to universality superseding selfishness. It is a far from fair system overrun with adversarial forces determined to retain man in slavish entrapment to struggle and strife. Concentrate, focus and be determined in this cause is the key to liberty and freedom

  2. To be sincere only one time a year.

    Nothing is there anyway.

  3. No I visit cemeteries to feel the energy and to remind me life doesnt end at death..cemeteries are full of life..if your open and pay attention

  4. parents have been gone since i was in my twenties..i've buried a duaghter and most recently..4 yrs ago my son in law committed only go around what you feel you need to do...before it is too late

  5. you know, i have never gone to the cemetary for this reason, however thinking back i know that whenever i do pass one, say, driving by, i always thank God that i am still alive to enjoy another day!

  6. It certainly helps you to put things in perspective.

  7. I don't need to visit any cemeteries for such reminders!

    One gets plenty of such reminders everyday on TV,  in the newspapers/neighbourhood,  which tell us constantly how fragile our life is...

    I'll go to the cremation grounds when I no longer need to live...

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