
Do you ever visit other categories to answer questions on South Africa?

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I found this in "languages":;_ylt=AvMpfCRHdT2j2ic1W8xotq3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080605184029AAOrtz2&show=7#profile-info-O7QHpxsFaa




  1. If I'm browsing and I happen to find one, then I normally do answer them. But never go visit to find SA questions

  2. It seems to be worth while visiting  -  i also like to answer in Polls and Surveys sometimes

  3. When I first got on y/a I went to Religion & Spirituality a few times, but it upset me so much that I now stay away from there.

    I answer any question in any category or section if I think I can give a good answer.

    I answer a lot of questions in Polls & Surveys. Nice to just mess around in that section.

    But I will never disgrace my language.

  4. Yes I do my fav are airtravel and aircraft.

    Cakes do you think that  something like that should be posted in SA aswell?

    ADD: Lise K dont worry Hennie will go and correct him. hehe

  5. When nothing much is happening in the SA section, i usually visit the religion and spirituality section or the military and government section. I like messing with the Yanks in the military

  6. Yes all of the time, usually politics, british and USA, religion and spirituallity and a few other sites that post interesting questions.

    British politics is usually the best because there are some dum-fks here.

  7. I hang around the Maths and Computer forums too, but I don't go looking for SA questions.

  8. No but that is very funny, that Afrikaner cannot spell to save his life!

  9. I don't go looking for South African questions but perhaps we should. I like Res's idea of inviting them here where they can get help... if I come across any I will tell them about this board.

    Lol! Karen C that is hilarious :-) It's like when I tell them I'm South African and then they ask "what country in south Africa are you from?" It takes a while to establish that SA is actually a country...

    ADD: Cakes maybe you can help this girl;...

  10. Hahaha, oh man that was funny!

    Nah, I don't go out seeking SA questions. If I see one I'll answer it.

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