
Do you ever wait until your spouse's back is turned and then flip him/her off? ?

by Guest34018  |  earlier

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Do you ever wait until your spouse's back is turned and then flip him/her off? ?




  1. No -- but I think my children used to do it to both of us when they were younger.

    That is a passive/aggressive reaction ... and also extremely childish.

  2. There are time when I get that frustrated and I think every person needs to vent their anger at their significant other someway or another. And if that works, then go for it.

  3. no i do it to his face.

  4. Never. And never even considered it. Even though everyone else thinks it's "normal", I disagree. I can't imagine doing that to someone who is heart of my heart. :(

  5. Only a shallow, immature person would do that.  You need to talk about your problems with your partner in a mature manner.

  6. No, I do it to her face.  How are you ever going to get your point across if she doesn't see you?

  7. ALL of the time

  8. Only did it once. Forgot that glass is reflective!

  9. Yes.

  10. I'd prefer to just do it face to face!!!!  

  11. Nope....if you have something to say -- act like an adult---and say it to their face

  12. Yes, and My other hand is telling Him to Jerk off.

  13. No I do not show that type of anger.  I simply leave and go the local bar and have a few drinks and eat Pretzles.

  14. everyday

  15. With out a doubt!  I'd be worried about anyone who is married who has never felt the urge to give their other half the "bird!"

  16. Yes I've done that many times.

  17. Nah, Ive only done it when he is looking at me.  Its a wasted "bird" if nobody sees it.  

  18. i have done it jokingly to his face and we joke around about things like that but never to be mean or disrespectful.

  19. If it gets to that point I would just do it to his face, no point in doing it behind his back.  

  20. No, if i do it i do it to his face.

  21. i do it to his face but just joking around.

  22. That's funny...just the visual of that. I think maybe I did that a few times YEARS ago (with BF's) but I haven't in a long time. Hey, it's better than doing it to their face right?

  23. Most times I don't even wait for his back to be turned.

  24. No ~ it's much better face to face :)

  25. no, if i do it, i'll do it in their face

    but i dont really do that to anyone

  26. Pretty much every day!  It's hilarious that other people do it too~  I thought it was just me!

  27. Why wait do it so they see it> Better than getting caught doing it> SHARE THE MOMENT>

  28. No, that's disrespectful. If I have an issue with my significant other, I talk about it with them and we act like adults..

  29. LOL.....No I want him to see me flip him off....Seriously I have never flipped my spouse off.....that seems so immature...I don't even flip people off that p**s me off in traffic...I simply blow them a kiss....

  30. I do that to you all the time.

  31. No, I love my wife.  Really.  Truly.  LIE LIE LIE.  I hate her, but I love her trust fund.

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