
Do you ever wake up in the morning with a strange foreign accent?

by Guest34177  |  earlier

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I know this may sound strange, and I'm up for the skeptic point of view, but every once in awhile I wake up in the morning and I have a very thick accent that takes hours to shake. For example, this morning I woke up and every time I spoke it came out in a thick Irish accent. No matter how hard I tried, I could not stop talking like that! Is there some paranormal explanation for this, or am I just going nuts?? haha...the latter is highly likely as well :)




  1. Astral travel is when you travel out of body. :)

    It's never stuck around for that long, but I have had that experience a few times. I had a spirit friend who would come visit me on occassion. He was Scottish, with a thick Scottish brogue and I'd find myself talking like him, with a perfect scottish accent, but the thing about it is that I cannot fake this accent. I've tried, acting is NOT my thing. I completely stink at this any other time.

    I think it may be a spirit trying to get your attention. I personally think that may be his/her way of telling you aobut themselves, where they're from, and maybe hinting that they'd like to speak with you.

    But no, in MY world, you are definitely not nuts. Weirder stuff has happened to me.

    peace to you

  2. I don't,but my husband does on a regular basis,thanks for being so brave to actually ask that question,and the many others,that most people would just keep to themselves.You are admirable,as well as a little crazy (in a good way).

  3. Yeah, happens all the time. I'm from Newcastle.

  4. There is actually a condition called foreign accent syndrome (FAS). Check it out:

  5. I guess the YA skeptics are all busy reading their manifesto right now so I will fill in.

    You are hallucinating this accent just as you wake up and aren't fully awake yet even if you think you are and it last for 30 minutes. Stop watching Irish TV or listening to the music.

    OK, now for a considerate thought out answer. I'm guessing that you have heard an Irish accent before so your brain does have this information to use. Now if you start talking in an accent that you can't identify that would be truly interesting. Also, if you can suddenly speak or understand the native Irish tongue (link below) then that would be paranormal.

    I agree that you should at least have a physical as that ruling out normal explanations is the first step in any real investigation. If you trust your physician and it bothers you I would share it with him.

    However, if they want to send you for a brain scan, suggest a psychiatrist that then suggest let's say lithium you will have encountered the typical response of western medicine that fails to listen to the patient.

    If it doesn't bother you I wouldn't worry about it.


  6. There is actually a medical condition where all of a sudden people will have an accent. I seen it on the Discovery Health Channel. It could be caused by a stroke. here is a link

    You should go see your doctor.

  7. Remember how Britney Spears went around using that British accent? Yeah? You're crazy.


    Lol don't go shaving your head now. I wouldn't say it's paranormal...I have friends who've studied paranormal activity, both in the UK and in America, and have never heard mention of speaking in foreign accents. I would google this or seek a professional opinion though. It's quite a curious question and I think it'd be worth the effort to explore.

  8. Sounds like a misfiring in the brain in correlation with speech.

    I'm not trying to scare you here, but people that undergo strokes are not able to utilize their speech or motor skills.

    So maybe when you wake up and feel that "accent" happening, try to raise both hands over your head.

    Or say a complete sentence.

    And then try to stick your tongue out.

    If you can't do any of the above, and your tongue hangs off to one side, then you've had a stroke.

    Get a physical and see if you have high blood pressure.

  9. Are you Irish or have some Irish heritage?  Maybe that's it.  Wow, never heard of this before :)

  10. no eh

  11. This is a good place for a video or audio recording.That would tell us if your accent was authentic.It's not difficult to tell a real Irish persons speech from a mimic.For instance I grew up with many Scottish immigrants.I can do a pretty good Scottish accent.Not so good I can fool a real Scotsman.That way we could tell if it was a possession or psychosomatic affect.

  12. When I googled something similar to this..I found one of my old questions. This is what it reminds me of.. time I woke up saying the exact same words that someone on the radio was the exact time they said it. And, one time a lady was trying to help me "speak in tongues" . I said the same weird sounds that she did at the exact time she said them. We both laughed. Also..I remember when I answered a question..or was contributing to the a church meeting...I was making gestures and talking the same way as someone else who I was friends with at the time. I remember how it surprised me. I know these aren't the same as what's happening to you. I think you must have been astral traveling...but I still don't see how you picked up the accent so well. Some will probably say you remember it from another lifetime. Also...a spirit could be trying to speak through you. I'm just guessing.

    Edit.. Weird stuff happens, doesn't it!? lol

    Edit..Hey..maybe this has something to do with what's happening with your daughter! Maybe the same spirit is trying to communicate with both of you.

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