
Do you ever wish you could be like a man?

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Haha. That sounds funny. What I mean is do you wish you could be emotionally detached. Not have so many feelings. Be able to have s*x with someone without wanting to see them again. Base things on physical attraction. It seems as women are so in love and get their hearts broken. Men just want someone to have s*x with. Do you wish you didn't have to feel the pain and just act casual about other men? Take them or leave them. Not care if a man leaves you. Just have the attitude that you'll get another one. I feel like when a woman tries it she just ends up feeling like a s**t and feeling guilty. What do you think?




  1. I think that's a pretty broad generalization.

    Usually, if I have s*x with a girl, my intent IS to see her again. Unless she is really weird and starts crying during s*x lol (or maybe it was THAT good :)).

    I don't want to have s*x with a girl just one time, I don't see the point. Alternatively yes, I have had s*x with a girl just one time, and sometimes you are traveling, or they are so that's just the context.

    Also, if guys only want s*x from you, the key to getting them to commit is NOT I repeat, is NOT to WITH-HOLD s*x. Girls who are insecure with-hold s*x because they feel that THEY can't keep the guy around. You need to bring more things to the table, you need to act like girlfriend material, and girlfriend material has more to do with if you are a cool person who we can get along with.

  2. Well, as a man I would like to just for awhile be like a woman.  I mean....with my own set of b***s to play with, I would never have to leave my house!

  3. woman can do this too.

    its just you feel like a **** and feeling guilty.  

  4. 1.not all men are emotionally detached.

    2.not all men are feelingless.

    3.not have a very distorted veiw of men.your wrong on all counts.sorry.ill tell you what....there are alot of jerky men out there .because wemen just love nice guys see this and are probrobly sick of being they become the jerk that is rewared constantly with wemen have nobody to blame but yourselves.reward the jerks,get more jerks.simple.

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