
Do you ever wish you could get back to the true simple life?

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I have done a little study on the culture of Native Americans. It is my deepest desire to get back to a point where we can live like they did again. Humans have a tendency to try to dominate nature, what if the best way is to let nature take its course and do everything possible not to inhibit it. Many people claim that I am going through the typical adolescent period of "finding myself" (I'm 16), but I do not see it that way. I can feel it deep within my being that the way we are living will lead to no good not only for the environment, but for the human species as well. After all, we are just another species on this planet and it is our duty to live symbiotically with the rest of the species which in many respects have maintained us for millennium. I am not religious in a typical manner, but what if when Europeans were sentencing themselves to future doom when they destroyed the civilization that was at peace with nature. This may be a rant, but I sincerely wish that things could go back to the way they were before the natural ways of life were corrupted. Does anyone think that this is even possible anymore? Opinions/feedback please.




  1. There were about one million native Americans in what is now the US and Canada before Columbus.  Today there are about 350 million people.

    If you want to go back, there's a 99.7% chance you'll be dead.

  2. Yes

  3. Well then I must still be "finding myself" at 29 if that's what they call it... Though I'm sure myself has been found for many years.

    It would be nice to turn back the clock to what things once were, and what could have stayed. Sure there are things I would miss... indoor plumbing, sneakers, a warm house without the need of keeping an eye on a fire, my beloved vehicle... But I find it depressing that people can't even meet their basic needs now if they don't have money. Use to be, if you were hungry, you go hunting/gathering. If you need shelter, you build it. Basic resources aren't free anymore. Only thing they can't put a price on yet is the air we breath. Unless you buy it in a tank...

  4. Sure, there's a tonne of co-op communal living in the boonies, I have a few friends who live away from the city, on their own island at that. There is a life in the wilderness, if you really wanted one.

  5. well I am 36 years old and have always wished we lived back in those days.

  6. Yeah, definitely

  7. It seems odd this would be on the internet.

    I have learned some of the survival techniques of the Apache (personal and military experience). Interestingly, once I gained ability to live without modern technology, it seems to bother me a lot less. I guess I got rid of feeling trapped by technology. Think of it in terms of romance - I would much rather be involved with a woman who is with me out of want and not need.  

  8. so true. humanity seems to be much more wiser back then.

  9. Well, you're 16, so its understandable why you have this delusion.

    The basic fact is that the Earth CANNOT support 7 billion people at that level of technology (Even fire is a technology).

    So, what you are really saying is that you would be happy to have 6 billion plus people DIE. Even Hitler didn't go that far.

    No civilisation was "at peace" with nature, ever. Low tech civilisations had NO CHOICE over the power of nature to destroy us. See "The Black Death" for just one example.

    Morons view nature as benign. No, nature is a system where many die early and are eaten. The point about having a sentient technological civilisation is that we take away from nature it's ability to kill us on it's terms.

    Feel free to prove me wrong: Go live on a 14th century level. No cheating, so no IPods, no Internet, no vaccines, and no food that you don't grow yourself. Enjoy the scurvy.

    "Whatsoever therefore is consequent to a time of Warre, where every man is Enemy to every man; the same is consequent to the time, wherein men live without other security, than what their own strength, and their own invention shall furnish them withall. In such condition, there is no place for Industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain; and consequently no Culture of the Earth; no Navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by Sea; no commodious Building; no Instruments of moving, and removing such things as require much force; no Knowledge of the face of the Earth; no account of Time; no Arts; no Letters; no Society; and which is worst of all, continuall feare, and danger of violent death; And the life of man, solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short." Thomas Hobbes.  

  10. I am much older than you and your idea is not adolescent.  While I don't necessarily want to live like Indians did in the 19th century.  I do long for something less superficial.  We all seem too obsessed with chasing the "Joneses".  Real wealth comes from something much deeper than superficial belongings.

    What is comes down to is redefining success.  The trappings of modern day life are often a mere distraction as to what is truly important in finding happiness.

  11. I've been livin' that way for years, sister.

    Come to Marlboro Country.™

  12. I've felt like this for years and I'm 46. Yes, I think it's possible, but getting harder in modernized countries. I guess it depends on where you want to be in the world, since there are still some places where people don't live like caged rats.

  13. “Watch what you ask for……. You might get it”.

    It is rare at all that I answer any questions. I have found too much racisms and false accusations made towards our culture.

    Life pre Columbus was very difficult, it was not but any means easy or simple.

    My uncle use to always tell me that at one time we worked to live; now it seems we live to work. “The first was more rewarding” he would tell me.

    I do agree with him. Giving my opening statement into account I still feel I would gladly go back to living the old ways.

    I have thought about this a great deal. I have looked at all our conveniences and all the inventions that have come the last decades.

    For my self the only things I would truly miss

    A comfortable bed

    The flush toilet

    And lastly a warm shower in winter.

    Let me take them with me and society can keep the rest.


  14. You mean when kids still got spanked in schools and never brought a gun to school? Before kids claimed they were abused for their parents whipping them because they need their *** whipped for being a brat? You mean before the media let loose all these violent and language filled, s*x filled movies, TV, and videogames? Before there was vast technology and people couldn't complain about their power going out?

    Hmm...yeah. Today's culture is a bit spoiled don't you think?

  15. I not only think it is possible, I think it's necessary for the survival of mankind. You may only be 16 but you are seeing clearly.. man has forgotten where we really came from, turned away from Nature and we are now destroying that which keeps us alive. If we do not see the error of our ways and go back to Nature, in our folly we will destroy our own species, along with many others. I have no doubt that man will go extinct by our own hand unless we change our ways and learn to live in harmony with Nature..

    So many people think that every other species on the planet is here for our benefit, or our convenience. If it's annoying, kill it, if we don't like the way it looks kill it.. we have forgotten how to live in peace with our fellow species.. and it may well be our downfall.

    I have great respect for Native American culture, their respect and love for the Natural world according to their beliefs is a better way of life than most. I often wonder what it would have been like if their culture had gotten the upper hand.. would we be more in harmony with Nature now? or is man inherently doomed to destructive arrogance?

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