
Do you ever wish you could still play with barbies?

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Every time I go to Wal-Mart I can't help but stop by the toy section and stare longingly at the barbies and other toys I used to play with as a kid and think about how fun it was to set up there little furniture pieces and dress them up. But of course it's not acceptable for a 22 year old to play with barbies : (

Does anyone else ever wish they still had barbies or even people out there who still play with them?

Do you think there should be a certain age when people stop playing with them?




  1. Yeah!! :(

    I used to play with them all the time with my cousins and friends with little doll houses and my aunt would make clothes for them because she was so good at stuff like that. Once I just thought I got too old for them, so I stopped playing with them but I miss them now!! I was still young enough to play with them when I thought I was too old so sometimes I wish I never though that.

    I do even though I'm too old for them. I just liked doing their hair and dressing them up. I know a 25 yr. old who doesn't really play with them but she takes picutres of them and puts them on Sometime if you really do want one you should just but one and people will just think you're buying it for a little kid for their birthday or something. :)

    But yes I do miss playing with Barbies, a lot. :(

  2. Lol!!  I love barbies - I used to have Cindy too and some other cheep crappy brand you buy from cheep & tacky shops but that didn't matter because they would be the ones I would attack first with the sissors!!

    I used to love making houses for them and colouring their hair with felt tip pens!!

    Me and my sister used to make them have really annoying personalities too as it was more fun that way!!  Sometimes they were so annoying that once we buried one in the garden as punishment!!

    Oh I miss those days - I wish it was exceptable to still play with them (I'm 26!!)

    Maybe we still can - just in secret!!

  3. yes! i was just in the store buying a barbie doll for my cousin and i was close to ripping the box open myslelf, lol but that would be weird because i haven't played with barbies for years.

  4. Nope. Been there done that. I dont even think about them anymore. They are so boring (to me).

  5. NO

    im 15 (almost 16)

    &  i still play with barbies,pollypockets ect.

    barbies my favorite tho :)

    I think its beter for me to be at home playing rather then being out and getting drunk :)


  6. Not really. lol

  7. I still play with Barbies!! I love to fix their hair and change their clothes.

    My husband is building me a doll house to put my Barbies in!!

    There is a club of people of all ages that still play with Barbie.They even have conferences.  

    Barbie still rules!! BTW i'm 47 and still plays with Barbies  <3

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