
Do you ever wish you were somebody else?

by Guest62587  |  earlier

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Do you ever wish you were somebody else?




  1.'s difficult being who I am although I am content with myself

  2. of course all of us do that and who say any thing else is a lier because all of us have mistakes in our personality and we all want to be ones without any mistakes

  3. Yes. I wish that I am the lucky guy.

    I have bad luck for too long.

  4. Yes,when i've made a mistake,or 3!

  5. Its a valid point. But even when life sucks, I would always want to be Me.


  6. I've answered a similar question before, and I'll say it again.  Why would you want to be someone else?  It's all right to admire someone else, and to want to tread a similar path, but why would you want to be them?  I wouldn't want anyone else to wish they were me.  I would tell them to be themselves--everyone is unique.  Think of what you could do by being yourself, rather than spinning your wheels trying to be something--or someone--you're not.

  7. Yeah!   Bill Gates!

  8. No. I have had 24+ years to learn how to be me, I do not wish to throw that all away for a life that looks better from my limited understanding.

  9. Nope, everyone has the potential to be who they want to be so make it happen.

  10. No way, I rock entirely too much to be someone else.

  11. I don't specifically wish, I do sometimes think what it would be like if i was someone else and i think thats natural. I'm quite content being myself and I want to get to know myself even better as i don't know too much about me yet, only God does.

  12. yes, sometimes when life gets hard.

  13. Mentally, no and I'll never wish I was somebody else, too big of an ego for that.

    However, if I could trade my physicality with something more impressive... well it would at least make me stop and wonder. d**n you vanity!

  14. Yes, the same me but with a richer family... Money talks and everything else walks.

  15. Not in a million years,i think everyone should be happy for who there parents made

  16. Good question. When I was little I wished I was someone else. Now that I am grown I just wish I was a younger me again.

  17. Nope. Nobody can be a better Me than me.

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