
Do you ever wonder about the sanity of some pet owners?

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I must admit, many, many times I say to myself - ARE THEY FLIPIN' NUTS? Sometimes it's just people being in love with a certain breed.

Like Ulva and Loki - I think you're crazy to live with Sibes...but, in a good way ;o)

Sometimes its people who say they want a "velcro dog"...for me, the last thing on earth I would want.

Anyway, the question truly is: Are there certain qualities or even breeds that would simply make you crazy? ..things you would never want to deal with, and are simply amazed and fascinated by the people who seem to love it?

(I will admit, I'm not free from the crazy train. I know a lot of people think I'm nuts to like the wimpy, weak-nerved, sissy dogs....but I love em.)




  1. Yep! In general, I can never understand why people love small, yappy, sometimes nasty dogs, like chiuauas. They seem to love their nippy, yappy, spoiled personalities. I sound really mean, but thats how chiuauas are. Yet so many people love their chiuauas. I guess what im saying is a lot of people love dogs that act like the boss, which is fine if you like to spoil your pets I guess. It always astounds me. I could never put up with or bound with an animal like that.  

  2. I know somebody that has 8 Goldens!

    when i move out (probably when I am 18-22) i will want to be married, maybe 2 kids, 3 dogs and 1 cat.

    Golden Retriever (pure or mix)

    Border Collie (pure or mix)

    German Shepherd (pure or mix)

    when the kids are a little older a Pit Bull (pure or mix)

    see i won't have like 10 Chihuahua's

    i do worry about some people...

    ADD: i do have a dog now...well actually he is my mom's but i'm not allowed to have my own


    Chihuahua's make me crazy. someone from my old church likes them

  3.     I kinda think I am nuts because although I own a Doberman, 4 Miniature Pinschers and foster another MinPin I just rescued another Doberman. The poor guy was owned by several people in the last year or so, is missing hair from being starved and lying on hard surfaces and stank. Personally I could never live with a weak nerved sissy dog I prefer the Alpha types that I train in Schutzhund and Personal Protection. A submissive type wimp wouldn't last a week, even the MinPins would beat him

  4. I love dogs of all breeds. I see great beauty and promise in any of them. There are individual dogs I don't like, but no breed I could single out. I don't have the energy for many of the breeds, but wish I did.

    Now, why the heck I let the first Afghan talk me into getting him, I'll never know..But, once I lived with one, I never want to live without them.

    I am an eccentric, m*******t, with a martyr complex.

  5. There sure are. Please, if you own a breed that I mention, do not take offense.

    I cannot own most small breed dogs. I just can't deal with them. There are a couple exceptions such as Papillons and Schipperkes that I could live with, but as a general rule, I love my medium/large/giant breeds. I need to be able to put my hands on a dog. If I wanted a small animal, I would have a cat.

    I cannot own a breed that needs to be with me every second. I like my dogs to have just a bit of independence. I like a dog that aims to please, but I could not live with the constant thud of tennis balls on my lap so to speak.

    Personally, I prefer dogs with upright ears. That's just a preference. Any of the Spitz breeds or most of the German herding breeds I find very attractive. Most dogs with a "wolfish" build are attractive to me. I'm a fan of the primitive breed appearance.

    I could not live with a dog that:

    * could never settle down.

    * needed my companionship every second of every day.

    * is slow to learn.

    * is overly barky.

    * drooled uncontrollably.

    * had a particular scent (hound).

    * is stubborn.

    * is incredibly independent.

    Now if you know me, you know I own a Golden Retriever. He is an exception to my general rule. In fact, he's an exception to ALL of my general rules. LOL

    I respect people that dedicate their lives to a breed I could never live with. That's why there are so many breeds. I may think they're crazy for owning a certain breed...but I'm sure others consider me crazy for owning German Shepherd Dogs!!

    I think people that own Basenjis are absolutely insane!! I've known quite a few Basenjis and I can say they are not DOGS. They are cats in disguise!! I couldn't live with this breed. I love them to death, but I could never in my life own one!!

    I think people that own Basset Hounds are crazy!! Once again, I love them, but I could not live with the drool and the Hound ear smell. I couldn't live with a short dog. They're a lot of fun, but no way could I own one.

    I think people that own Belgian Malinois are a little crazy. I could never in my life deal with a dog that has to be on the go every second of every waking hour!! I love the breed....but couldn't own one.

    Border Collies are another one I could never own. The intensity and the focus of this breed would drive me crazy. I love to watch them work, but could I own one? No ma'am I could not.

    A Chihuahua....I could never own a Chihuahua. They're tiny!! They bark. They're cute and I have met quite a few that I've fallen in love with but I could never live with one.

    I love the fact that so many people have their breeds. It makes us all unique and at the same time it brings us all together. We all have a common interest.....and that interest is dogs!!

  6. I am a velcro dog person. I love having Coby follow me. However, he isn't intrusive-- he just like to know where I am, and vice versa.

    I couldn't deal with:

    - Big shedders. George sheds a bit, and I go CRAZY. I HATE HATE HATE dog hair. It gets EVERYWHERE.

    - Big huge dogs. I love them, but I need to have a dog and I could pick up. I'm paranoid of having a dog attack Coby now. It happened once, and I'm SO GLAD I could pick him up out of harm's way.

    - Stinky dogs. I'm sorry, but how can you live with the constant odor? Some dogs have smells that WON'T GO AWAY, and I couldn't stand it.

    - Drooling dogs. Ew. Ew. Ew. It's... ew. Ew! That's all I can say on the topic.

    - High maintenance breeds. I once looked into cocker spaniels, but WOW do they need a lot of work. Same goes with wrinkly-faced dogs. I like my bath once a month and occasional trim doggies.

    - Aloof dogs. If I wanted a distant animal, I'd get a cat. I like my dogs to be affectionate.

    There's my list.  :]

  7. I couldn't have a high energy dog. My basset hound is easy going, laid back and very loving.

  8. Depends on who's eyes your looking through.My self I don't waste my time worrying about other people and I never try to judge them,I am just to busy with my own life to give that thought much time.Tilks Mom

  9. Each to their own I say.  Many breeds out there I love a few I think are ugly (to me) Pitbulls, Pugs and bulldogs, staffys. Not that a dog has to be attractive to be a good dog. But bug eyed dogs that point in different directions or big boofy headed ones really cant get my awww aint it cute vote.  LOL  I guess because we look for things that please our senses (sight being one of those)

  10. Great question ,

    I could not live with :

    - Yappy dog

    - Velcro Dog ( even thought i have 1 ( Shadow))

    - Laid back dog , cant stand that ,

    - Not stranger friendly dog ,

    - Not dog friendly

    I mean certain BREEDS that I ADORE I know I cant have , like the Great Dane , Could never own that breed , and all the small breeds , I think pomeranian are sooo cute but not for me at all ,

    I pretty much enjoy mutts , I have 3 Siberian Mix ( or we think they are mix , one could be pure , I'll have to ask the Pro(CALLING ULVA AND LOKI HERElol :) , But I really enjoy that breed  , Along with the Aussie and the BC , these breed , altought , very different fascinate me , I just would LOVE to own .  Also the Spaniel Type dog , There gorgeous , but would fit my lifestyle !! :)

  11. I always told family and friends I would never own an Australian Shepherd as much as I loved the breed, because I was pretty sure I would go crazy trying to keep up with their high energy and always trying to out smart them...and well here I am, I own one! Now I know I'm crazy ha ha.

    But all that aside its fun being crazy. My Aussie keeps me in shape and motivates me to try harder at everything....and be smarter! They are a fun loving breed, great with kids, and I love that my Aussie is a little bit of a velcro dog. And I love that my Aussie is not teeny tiny. I used to own a Pomeranian and they are great dogs, but NOT ideal for a growing family with young kids.

    Other breeds that would drive me crazy, but I could never own would be...

    -Pugs, the snorting thing would drive me nuts and the bulgy eyes creep me out a bit (no offense to anyone!)

    -Chihuahua's, I know not to stereotype things, but most I've met bark way to much.

    -Bulldogs, I wouldn't want to clean up all their wrinkles all the time and deal with the breathing issues.

    -Anything that's a "teacup"- I wouldn't want a dog that small or want to deal with the potential health problems.

    -St. Bernard or any other really drooly dog- slobber, enough said! hehe

    -Pit Bulls, but only because I would not want to deal with the extra fee's and insurance costs to own one and dealing with all the stereotypes that I'm sure all you Pit Bull owners deal with. I'm just not patient enough to deal with immature/ narrow-minded people and would definitely go crazy trying to defend the breed all the time!

    -Poodles....I just really really don't like their appearance and their high maintenance grooming. (no offense to anyone who owns one!)


  12. Hehehe.....I love Basenjis.  Hard to train, aloof, independent, sighthounds, not too far removed from wild dogs, that can never be off-leash, can climb fences and escape from fiberglass airline crates, and have the ability to scream like a woman being murdered.    

    So I'm not only the DRIVER of the Crazy Train, I subsidize the frikkin' railroad.  :D

    Oddly, I'm also a fan of the type of dogs Greekman describes....I admire the heck out of wired, highly kinetic WORKING dogs.  Dogs who think their owner is the Center of the Universe and want to be given a job to do all day long.  Working Mals, Shepherds, working stock dogs like Kelpies and ACD's.  But, I don't have anywhere close to the kind of lifestyle suitable for one.  (One day!)  

    Perhaps the fact that I don't have the time to devote to a highly driven working dog, is the reason why I enjoy having dogs who don't WANT to "please", they have no desire to "work"....they have been taught basic manners but aside from that, all they want is companionship, a warm spot to sleep, and an occasional chance to chase bunnies and run.  That, I can give them!  

    Dogs I can't tolerate.....Little, yippy yappy dogs.  I, too, don't get the whole trend towards little toy breeds people seem to enjoy carrying around in Prada pet carriers.  I just don't understand it.  They are often hard to housebreak, they bark incessantly, and because many people treat them like little spoiled brats instead of teaching them proper dog manners, they often have nasty little attitudes and think they rule the world.  (No offense to anyone who owns toy breeds & raises them properly!)  

    I also couldn't own any of the longhaired, toy breeds.  Lhasas, Shih Tzus, Pekes.  Especially Pekes.  I have met Lhasas and Shih Tzus who were decent, fun little dogs underneath all that hair....but never have met a Peke who didn't look like a waddling sausage and breathed like a fat man with sinus trouble (wheezing, snorting, groaning).  I am hardly an athelete but don't think I'd like having a dog that couldn't walk to the corner and back without suffering an aneurism.  

    I love the personality of English Bulldogs, think they're adorable, but couldn't own one....again, too many issues with heat, over-exertion. Too many problems brought on by that "extreme" body type.  Too short of a lifespan.  Just too much to worry about.  

    And I'm not a huge fan of any dog that barks incessantly.  Shelties and Min Pins seem to be the worst in this category.  Skilled owners can control the barking somewhat, but I can't tell you how many times I've been in public around one of these barky dogs and been treated to "BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK"....with NO end to it, and the owner just ignores the dog.  I have to bite my tongue to keep from yelling "SSSSSSHHHUTTTTT UPPPPPP!"  LOL.  

    As an aside, I'm surpised at how many folks don't like hairless dogs, LOL....they're awesome!  And the ones I've met, didn't sweat, but had an unusually warm little body temperature.  I LOVE hairless dogs!! :)

  13. chihuahuas scare me to death. but i'd never refuse to help one if it needed it.

  14. LOL!  Breeds that I couldn't deal with would be (and no offence to anyone, pleeeease) Chihuahua's, Pomeranians and Pugs.

    I'm very intolerant of small-dog 'yap-yap-yapping', and the Pugs are cute, but the inability to breathe through their nose drives me insane... I feel so bad for those little guys :(

    I prefer big bad dogs.... Hi, my name is Shawn and I AM insane. :)

  15. Absolutely...I hate and cannot live with the weak nerved dogs that you are talking about...I simply cannot do it!!

    I cannot deal with small dogs either. On the other hand, I think that the dogs I like most people cannot stand nor deal with.

    My type of dogs are WIRED 24/7/365. They bounce off the walls and need to work every day.

    Do they get on my nerves sometimes, yes, they do, but, that is what I like and that is what I require for my purposes.

    Like you, I could not stand a dog that ignored me, I could not own a Siberian and have it blow me off when he felt like it.

    I want dogs that look up to me as the center of their Universe, it makes training much easier that way.

    Hope I helped!

  16. I don't think I personally could handle a sight or a scent hound.  I don't think our personalities would mesh.  My friend has a Beagle that exhausts me lol.

    I could also never have a dog that was clingy.  One that is constantly climbing on me and pawing me for attention.  I love that my dog is independent, but she will cuddle occasionally.

    I don't mind small dogs, but I don't know if I would ever own one.  I don't like dogs that seem "breakable".  My Shiba is the perfect size for me.

  17. sanity?!?

    I laugh at that...

    Of all the breeds and mixes I have fostered, the one I could live without is a Chihuahua

    yes I own one, but she thinks she a big bully dog...

    others I have met are yippy,  clingy, and other "y" words

    I just dont like em...

  18. Crazy?


    Why do I love them so much?

    Because they are not your "average dog".

    Couldn’t own;

    •Velcro dogs

    •Any breed of dog that would rather sit on the couch than playing in the garden.  I would not own a dog that could only do a 20min walk a day. :O

    •Anything small and “yappy”

    •Dependent dogs. I could not own a dog that would need me to tell him what to do, 24/7

    •Drool. I’m sorry I don’t know how people live with a dog like that. I simply could not do it.

    •A breed of dog that requires far to much grooming. I don’t mean brushing, I’m talking about breeds that have to be clipped every few months.

    •Shedding (totally kidding) Once you own a Siberian shedding becomes part of life. I wish I could post a photo of my trousers right now. Covered in Siberian fur.

  19. Being in contact with all kinds of dogs all day long, most of my previous sentiments of " I don't see what people like about ___ breed", has fallen by the wayside.  In getting to know each dog's personality, I have met some great chihuahuas, beagles, you name it.  There are very few specific breeds that I honestly don't care for.


    Having taken care of several of the *cough* "teacup" dogs, I can honestly say no matter what breed, mix, or so-called breed they are, I would never have one.   They are the most fragile, unpredictable, worrisome dogs ever.  Most I've seen shake constantly, they walk as if they're on eggshells and crippled, and how can you take any of them on a walk?   I've had babies I had to lug around until they were old enough to walk--I don't need to carry around and coddle a delicate baby with fur.    NO OFFENSE to anyone that has a "teacup". I'm sure you love them, and if you adopted, good for you, seriously. Every dog needs a home and people that love them.   BUT-- Anyone that buys a "teacup", really needs to get a reality check.

  20. Beagles drive me crazy. And yet I'm in love with them.

    Sometimes I question my own sanity.  

  21. After the question earlier I don't think I want another dog of any kind ever!  JK lol

    I know I don't want a Sibe or a beagle.  The Sibes are just too much for me and one bark from the beagle and I'm done!

  22. I have a sibe and love that he is independent of me. He knows what has to be done to get what he wants. I love that I have to be on his level - he's intelligent and there is no fooling him into silly things - he's dignified. I've come to love that no outfit is complete without Sibe fur on it.

    My son has a german shorthair. I love Jenny, don't get me wrong. She is always welcome in my home. But her constant energy wears on me. She's been to obedience school, does everything you ask, but never truly relaxes (so it seems). Just wouldn't be the breed for me.

    My daughter has a Lhasa. Need I say more? She's a sweet girl, but thinks the world revolves around her. She's even taken food right out of my Sibe's mouth. (She's a lucky girl to still be breathing - if for one minute he thought she was an actual threat, she'd be Sibe treats!)

  23. There are several types of dogs that I loathe but I won't name particular breeds.

    1.  Small yappy dogs that the owners think the sun, moon and stars shine out of their rears and they think that they should have the right to take them everywhere - restaurants, hotels, shopping centres, etc.

    2.  Dogs that slobber.  Yuk.

    3.  Dogs with bulging eyes.  I just don't find that cute.

    4.  Dogs that snort and snuffle and obviously have difficulty breathing.

    5.  Big scary dogs that are obviously not under the owner's control.

    I do like dogs that are intelligent and easily trained and well put together.  I have a preference for pricked ears cos I think they always look more alert (even if they're not LOL).  A dog that wants to be around me but doesn't need to be around me 24/7 - has some independence.  I like dogs that don't bark unnecessarily and are able to be left at home with out making a scene and upsetting the neighbours.  My dogs fit this bill nicely - Australian Kelpie and Belgian Shepherd Malinois.  I wouldn't recommend either breed for someone with no time to train them or with a small backyard.  These guys were born to run.

  24. Yes I wonder this ALL the time!

    Although you can call me crazy as well because I too have a Sibe, and a lab mix, and think they're the best dogs in the world :)

    So some things I can't understand and couldn't live with:

    1: Tiny dogs.

         - might as well be a cat/rat/hamster..take your pick

         - afraid I'll step on and crush them in the dark (although I trip over mine)

    2: Yappy or incessantly barking dogs.

         - get me a straight jacket because I'd literally go insane, and would need a hearing aid by age 40

         - my dog's howling is the cutest/funniest thing ever

    3: Velcro dogs that follow you from room to room

         - that's what I have a shadow for, I don't need another

    4: Hairless dogs

         - just plain creepy to me (although it'd be nice to not find clumps of fur EVERYWHERE)

    5: Lazy dogs

         - if I wanted something that just sat there I'd get a husband ;)

    6: Super dependent dogs that stare at you with those eyes just constantly waiting to be told what to do with itself

         - go chew a bone, chase your tail, dig a hole, I don't care..just do something! (a middle ground would be nice though since mine tends to have selective hearing haha)

    EDIT: Just goes to show the immense impact dogs have on people, whatever breed we choose. And it's good that we all have such different tastes so there are homes willing to take in all kinds of dogs out there.

    And if I can just add who in the world would go through and give all or most of us thumbs down for expressing our opinions when that is what we were asked to do? I understand if you prefer a dog or trait that we don't, but how can you say we're wrong for our opinions? We were ASKED to state what we dislike. Respect our thoughts as we respect your's.

  25. haha I couldn't agree more, I have to say though, I went against everything I have ever said when I rescued my first border collie mix. I have always had APBTs and never intended to have anything but them...they are just too sweet and cute. I always said that I loved border collies, but couldn't imagine dealing with all that energy and intensity, it would drive me crazy! but two years ago I saw an adorable border collie/sheltie mix in a spca in NC and I couldn't stop myself, I adopted her and she is my best friend. She is everything I dont like in  a dog- small (35lbs), long haired, yappy, obsessive over me(no balls or frisbees, haha) and a complete and utter pain in the butt...but I love her more than life itself! Its weird how its so easy to change your opinions and preconceived notions about dogs and yet its so hard to do the same for humans.  

  26. There is really only one breed I cannot understand why people like it and that is any hairless dogs, Chinese Crested (who are repulsive to me) or the Mexican Hairless. Ugh. And they SWEAT!

  27. I adore my noisy, shedding, velcro doggies.  As far as sanity, I don't trust anyone who claims to be sane. ;-)

    With shelties, I am Goddess, and there's never anydog who questions it.  I really can't say there's too many breeds I couldn't stand to live with, but anything that drools a lot I can't handle.  I can clean up f***s and vomit, stick my hands in steamy, bloody guts, or with gloves, into a roiling pile of maggots.  As soon as I see spit or drool, I spew like Vesuvius.  Go figure.  I puked in the window of a car onto the lap of a guy who spit tobacco in front of me once.  I'm getting queasy just thinking about it.  Ewww!

  28. Any of the dogs that are "aloof" and make you work too hard for their affection aren't really my cup o tea. Thats what i have cats for! LOL

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